Its Only Been a Few Months

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    It's freaking boring just sitting here in my room all summer break. It's almost over and about time to go back to school.
  I haven't seen (y/n) or Fred at all during the break. To be honest it's getting pretty boring.  My mom is still a bit mad at me about running off so quickly after Christmas.  So I wasn't really allowed to Leave my home much.
   I guess I cannot complain much, my mom is letting our family go the the Quidditch World Cup tomorrow and I am pretty excited.
   I don't watch Quidditch too often, but it is something I enjoy doing from time to time.
   As of now I am packing my bag for tomorrow. I don't really need much, just clothes and a pillow. Right? We're only sleeping there one night.
   I stuff a couple T-shirts in my bag(just in case) and a pair of jeans.  I'll just wear my same pair of shoes tomorrow as well.
   I do gotta say, I hope I will run into Fred there. Even if I won't be able to be his "girlfriend" around him.  If my Mom found out I had a boyfriend, I would surely be in some big trouble.
   Not only that but I don't think my Mom would just let me run off on a "family trip" ugh...
~time skip, next morning~

    "(Y/n)! Ready to go? Our Portkey is waiting and we best be off now!" I here my Mom yell from downstairs.
"Yeah Mom! Coming!" I swing my backpack over my shoulder and run downstairs where I meet the rest of my family.
   "All ready? All right! Let us be off!"
I nod my head and follow out the door.
  We take a walk down the road.  We walk maybe two miles. (Yeah, not wearing hiking shoes but whatever.) until we reach a toaster laying on the ground.
   "Mom. This, is the portkey?" I ask her a bit weirded out.
"Yes! Now hurry and grab it quick. I will not hesitate to leave you."  I roll my eyes at what she said, she would obviously never leave us anywhere.
   I grab the stupid toaster and within a few seconds it started to spin. It went faster and faster. I felt like a baby kitty. Wait that doesn't make sense...
    I hate portkeys. I feel like throwing up when it finally starts to slow and
we all let go. We weren't too far from the ground so it didn't hurt much.
   But I still feel like I will have a few bruises from it later on. Curse my easily wounded body!
  I prop myself up on my knees and stand up, waiting for everyone else to stand up. I brush off my knees and elbows as everyone else gets to their feet.
   "Already then! Let us be off!" My mom practically shouts at us. "Okay okay, I'm pretty sure we're not the last ones here so we can calm down."
   She gives me a death glance.  I take that as a hint to shut my mouth. Or I might regret it later.
  ~walk walk walk, cuz I'm lazy~
  We walk a few yards until we reach what looks like a giant camping ground.
"There's a lot more people than I expected..." your brother says(if you don't have one then pretend)
   "Well this game is kind of a big deal."
I hear someone behind me say. I turn around to see greenish brown eyes, a smirk, and that famous red hair.
  "Fred!" I blurt out as I wrap him into a hug.  It's been too long since I had last talked to him. Since I last saw him.
  "Hey hey, you really missed me that much? It's only been a few months."
He says laughing a bit.
  I pull away slightly and smile at him as he has me in his arms.
"Only? Who's the one who sent an owl almost every week? Huh?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were fine. That's all!"
"Yeah okay. Can't you just admit that you missed me?" I say poking his nose with my finger.
   "Alright, as much as a touching moment as this is, I would like to catch up with Dad now before we are lost." George says in a whiny voice.
   "Hello to you too George!" I giggle.
"Hey there. Now Fred lets go before Ron eats all the food that is there."
   Fred rolls his eyes and sighs.
"That is true. Alright (y/n), I'll see you later tonight." He takes my hand up to his mouth and places a gentle kiss on top of it.
   "Until then." I say with a small laugh.
"Until then, my lady."
   I spin back around and face my family whom is all gawking at me confusedly.
   "Oh you stop you're staring!" I say in a sarcastic scolding voice,"don't you have anything better to do?". With that said they all turned around and  kept walking. I followed with a big dorky grin plastered on my face.
   I know it's only been a few months but seeing him here was like a dream come true.

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