I Feel Like the Undead

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I felt dazed— I was having the strangest dream that Professor Snape was trying to lather my entire body in cinnamon butter. But whenever the butter touched my skin it burned and I felt as if I were dying. The dream was intense, as if it were real. I tried to run but it was as though the ground were moving and keeping me in place. I didn't know what to do or how to get out of this situation. I tried to scream— but my voice had left me. I was scared, Snape got closer and closer until he was standing right behind me. Then—

"(Y/n)! wake the mother freaking chocolate goose up!" I heard my best friend yell while slamming a pillow straight into my face. It rather burned. I sat up quickly and realized it wasn't a pillow. It was a giant pillow like...thingy...made out of sand paper. Where she got it you may ask? I have no feckin clue.
      I groaned and tossed the "pillow" onto the floor. I looked down into my lap and noticed the Defense Against the Dark Arts homework laying in messy piles across my blankets. I must've fallen asleep while doing my work.
"Morning sleepy head! Hope you liked my little surprise for yah!" (Y/f) said energetically. Which I have no idea how she had this much energy this early in the morning. Drugs. The only answer can be drugs. "I'm not on drugs." She said while eyeing me seriously, as if she were just reading my thoughts. That creeped me out. I didn't like that...
     "My face feels like a hot pocket." I groaned while rubbing at the burn marks from the sand paper. Little jerk.
     "What's a hot pocket??" She asked while picking the sand paper off the floor and chucking it out a window— which unfortunately hit another kid in the face, I could heart his screams of pain.
     I face palmed and flipped my comforter off my legs so I could slip myself out of it. Standing up I looked over at her and shook my head,"I forgot sorry, we don't have those here. That's an American thing— for the most part? I don't know other places might have them too." She looked at me with an odd look on her face. As if I were crazy. Which at this point I probably am. "Never-mind let's not talk about it." I said while hoping she would drop the subject.
     She shrugged and threw some clothes at me. As if trying to all me I was taking too long to write dressed. But— it is like six in the morning on a Saturday. I can take my sweet time if I want to.
     "Hurryyyyy you're taking forever!" She groaned while flipping backwards onto her bed, waiting for me to change. She was behaving like a baby. And I wasn't in the mood for it because I needed to get my homework done. It's almost due and I am not even half way finished. "I've been waiting for you to wake up for hours!"
     "Dude what the heck? When did you wake up— and what were you doing?!" I asked while looking at her wearily. Not that I didn't trust her or anything— but I didn't trust her. She had a tendency of doing...well unnatural and hazardous things. That's all I will say...
"Waiting for you to wake up." She said while sitting up and looking at me happily. I rolled my eyes. This girl didn't make any sense. "Also..." She started to say something but then she stopped herself. As if she figured whatever it was she was going to say wouldn't be good. Which— it probably wasn't.
"No no, what is it?" I slipped on my trousers and gave her a quick nod. Signaling that I was ready to leave if she was. She nodded back and followed me out of the bedroom door.
"It's just..." she looked around to make sure no one was around first before continuing,"I'm worried— about Harry. I'm scared that he's telling the truth and that he really didn't put his name into the goblet. And if that's true— then that means...well that means someone is tying to get him into some serious trouble. Or yah know...dead." She said with a sad expression written across her face. I could tell that this is probably what was keeping her up all night. Sure she is kooky at times, but she was also very caring and protective. And you could tell she cared for all of her friends very much.
"Perhaps it was a prank from one of the older class-men?" I suggested, trying to calm her nerves. She shook her head.
"No I don't believe that is it. If that were the case then I think somebody would probably own up to it to Dumbledore. Right? If they had a conscience that is. These games are very dangerous. And I don't think anyone would purposely enter someone in if they didn't want to in the first place. Especially if it could cost them their life..." I froze. She was right. But who— the only person I know that hates Harry that much is Draco. But he's not old enough to cross the age line...so it couldn't have been him. But who else could it have been?
"You really think there is a student here that wants Harry...dead..?" I asked grimly, not wanting to hear the answer because I knew already what she was going to say.
She nodded slowly. I bit my lip and stared at the ground. I didn't know what to say— this was really bad. I wonder who else has thought about this. And who else had come to the same conclusion.
"What do you think we should do?" (Y/f) whispers, stealing me from my thoughts. I glance up at her with a look of confusion. What did she mean by that?
"What do you mean?" I asked, unsure of where she was going with this. Did she really think we could find the one responsible? And if we did, who would we tell? Would they believe us? "You mean, look for the culprit?"
She nodded. "Yeah, and once we do perhaps we can tell Harry and Dumbledore and then Harry won't have to worry about who is trying to kill him!"
     It would be a good plan except..."How would we find whoever did this? What evidence is there that we can find that Dumbledore and the rest of the staff can't find?" I sounded like a pessimist. That was for sure. But we had to be realistic here. Now wasn't the time for one of her dorky little quests. She could possibly get herself hurt.
     "Come on please— just give the plan a chance. You never know. It might just work!" She pleaded, looking at me with her 'kitten eyes (I say kitten because that's what she calls them anyways— she is more of a cat person). It was hard to say no whenever she looked at me with that face. It was very tempting to just give in whenever she presented the pouty lip and the teary eyes. Although I know she knows how to cry on command just so she can get what she wants. But it still gets to me...
     I fight myself from saying yes. But I know she would only keep asking and asking and asking until I say yes. Which...would easily get annoying. I close my eyes to keep myself from seeing the pleasing look on her face. And that's when she started sniffling...oh boy...what am I about to get myself into...
     I groaned and slapped my hand onto my forehead, pulling down and looking over my fingers and into her eyes. "You're a real pain in the ass. You know that right?"
     She stared into my soul like an adorable little demon. "So is that a yes..?"
     I let out a deep sigh,"Fine— Sure. Whatever. Just no doing anything that will get us both killed." I told her sternly while pointing at her, as if to try and intimidate her. She grinned excitedly before hopping up and down.
     "Yes! I knew you would agree! This is going to be amazing! We are gonna be the worlds greatest detectives!" She gushes while spinning and twirling around like a crazed ballerina.
     "Okay okay shhh— shush. Shut up— you need to be quiet. You can't announce to the entire school that we are doing this. That's pretty much the same as putting a sign on our heads that says,'Kill me I'm bait!'"
     She stopped and nodded softly. "Yeah— yeah you're probably right..." her face was tinted slightly red due to the embarrassment she had just caused herself. "But that also means we can't tell anyone."
     I nodded in agreement. "Yes that would be wise, I can agree on that."

     "Not even Fred and George." She said quickly, looking at me with a look of all seriousness. I paused and looked her in the eyes.
     "(Y/f) you know we can't keep secrets from them— they'll get way upset if they find out. They're already really mad that Harry was picked anyways. Can you imagine how mad they'll be when they find out we are working behind their backs to find out who is sabotaging Harry??" I whispered aggressively, though trying to stay quiet so no one heard what we were saying.
     "I know I know, you and Fred made a promise to never lie to each other or keep any secrets ever again, but this is a completely different level. We can't risk anyone finding out. We can't trust anyone. Not even the twins." I bit my lip and looked back down at the floor. I didn't know how to respond...she had a point, the two of them didn't exactly have a reputation for being serious all the time. Quite the opposite actually...
     "If anyone finds out, we are dead. Literally or figuratively. Hopefully neither happen. But..." I trail off. I felt awful about not telling my own boyfriend.
     "(Y/n)" her voice was soft. I glanced back at her, her face was completely serious. I could tell how important this was to her. I couldn't just let her down... "Please. We take this to our grave."
     I look back down to the floor, I stared at the cracks and felt my stomach churn. There was no way this could turn out okay...I hope I'm wrong. But I guess there is only one way to find out...
     "Okay. Fine." I finally say, my eyes meeting hers again. "Let's do this. But, if either of us die, I call getting to say,'I told you so'."
     "There's the (y/n) I know and love. Now come on, let's go get some breakfast!" She said, returning back to her giddy self.
     I followed her down the hall, I didn't bother trying to stay caught up with her skipping. She was much more energetic than I was. Besides, I had other things on my mind at the moment. Unlike her I couldn't just hide my emotions from myself. No, once something is on my mind, it will only take something just as important to replace it. And right now, it didn't look like that was possible. I am in for something. That is for sure...question is, what?

A/n: hey guys. It me. I'm sorry I haven't been updating. But I am currently a college student working two part time jobs, trying to keep my mental health at bay. And a lot of family business has gone down too. So writing fanfics has been the least of my concerns lately. I'll try to add more, but idk how fast I'll be. Thank you for all those who stayed by my side. You guys are the real mvps//

A/n part 2: I really hope there are no spelling errors. If there are Im sorry. I wrote this at 12 am. Anyways. Ima go to bed. Goodnight!//

A Troublesome PairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora