Its a Long Story...

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    "Ron, do you remember what I said before you left?" I asked him, taking a seat next to him on a chair by his bed.
   "Not to get in any trouble?"
"Exactly!" I say,"What exactly did you do to your leg?!"
   Fred and George then enter the hospital wing,"Hey we heard that you were brought in here." Fred says.
"Yeah, what'd you do?" George then asks.
"That's what o just asked him." I say.
"Has he answered?"
"Well. I because you start talking and interrupting him!"
"Oh sorry, continue Ron."
   Fred and George then silence themselves, allowing Ron to speak.
   "I don't know if I can tell you. Well not yet that is..."
"Why not?" George asks.
"Because it's kind of Harry's business. I don't k of if I can tell you yet. But I'll let you know if I can."
   The twin then take a seat by him on the opposite side of him.
   "Wait, guys what happened to you?" Ron then asks looking at the twins. They at first look confused ten realized what he was talking about.
   "You mean why we're-"
"Covered in due?" They both ask.
"Yes! That's that?!"
    They laugh and one punches the other one on the arm.
"We sneakily dyed some young Slytherins hair our house colors." Fred says between laughs.  Rons eyes widen,"Bloody hell you guys! What if you get caught?!"
   They shrug at the same then answer in unison,"It'll be worth it."
I finally decide to say something on the subject.
"You dyed the Slytherins hair Gryffindor colors?! Are you insane?!"
"Maybe a little." Fred said with a wink.
"They're gonna know it was you. You're going to get in a lot of trouble you guys! Then you're going to have detention for the rest of the year!" I whine.
"Don't worry love, I'll still have time for you-"
"Aughhhh!! Stahp!" Ron complains.
"You're in love we get it now take it somewhere else!" George adds on.
Fred and I laugh at how immature they can be, but you gotta love them.
"Oye (y/n), while we are here explaining things, why don't you tell us what happened to you." Ron says gesturing to my shirt that was covered in rips and scratches.
"Oh's an awfully long story." I say with a nervous giggle.
"We've got time." Fred says.
"Yeah lets here this 'long' story of yours, it's gotta be interesting." George says sounding intrigued.
"Ugh fine. I got into some trouble with Filch's cat." I say in a hushed voice.
"No way! How did Filch not kill you?!" Ron gasps.
"He doesn't know it was me..."
The twins both sit up in their seats propping their elbows on their knees.
"Go on, this I gotta hear." Fred chuckles.
I let out a sigh and begin to tell the story of what happened...
   (Y/f) and I are walking around the corridors about two in the morning, I couldn't sleep so I had her come with me even though we are most likely going to get caught but we still don't want to go back. Not considering the price we will have to pay if we are caught out this early in the morning.
    "Why exactly are we out here this early?" (Y/f) asks me with a yawn,"Actually, why are we even awake this early?"
   I roll my eyes at her attitude,"Don't act like you haven't been up this early before!"
"Yeah but that was for good reason!" She states.
"Yeah? Now what was that good reason?"
   She then mumbles something under her breath that I don't understand.
"Come again?"
   She mumbles just a little louder but I still can't understand a thing she said.
   "Oh for corns sake! Speak at a volume where I can actually hear you!" I demand.
   "There was an owl yelling fire out the window and I wanted to see it!" She blurts.
   I stand there frozen for a minute. Words coming to my head but none seem to come out.
   "What the heck is wrong with you?!" I finally manage to say.
"And how was it breathing fire?!"
"That's why I was watching it, I was confused!"
   I can't help but laugh. It's the more logical thing to do. I guess...
  "Alright I'll give you that one." I smile.
We continue down the halls until she asks me once again,"What exactly are we doing?"
"We, my friend. Are gonna give Fred and George a taste of their own medicine!" I say.
   Her eyes widen in surprise and her mouth drops open.
"You're crazy!"
"Sure I am, what's your point?"
"My point?! My point is that they'll never fall for it! They're the pranking kings!"
"Yeah so, I think it would be fun to try at least."
"You're ridiculous..." she sighs.
"Hey, but you're crazy." I say with a wink back.
"Oh so very true." She giggles,"So what is the prank?"
   I reach into my pocket and pull out a paper bag and hold it up.
"This my friend, we are going to leave outside their dormitory. We will leave their names by it and then run off!"
   She looks at me confused,"You made them lunch?"
"No! This isn't lunch!"
"Then what is it?"
"It may or may not be catnip." I say with a grin spreading on my face.
   She shakes her head,"With Mrs. Norris around they're gonna kill you afterwards."
"That's exactly why is will be funny!"
"You got a death wish there?"
"No! Because they won't be able to shake that crazy cat off their tails!"
    I then see the light click on her eyes as she realizes the full plot of my plan.
"Yes yes yes!" She shouts. Then her face falls once again,"How will you know that it'll be the that take the bags instead of someone else? Other than you put your names on them."
   I shrug my shoulders,"That's easy. Just tell the lady in their painting to save it for them, I bet she would be glad to see a prank get pulled on them."
   "True true. Alright lets do that!"
She takes the bag from my hand and sprints down the hallway.
   As soon as I catch up with her we are just a few turns away from the common room entrance. When just then, we hear a soft meow.
   My heart stops. This will ruin the plan and not only that we will get caught! I am put in a panic state.
   "That's Mrs Norris!" (Y/f) says, pointing out the obvious.
  "Hurry, hide the bag and uh, make a beak for it!" I say as she starts to panic.
"We're gonna get caught!"
"Shut up, don't say that!"
"We're gonna go to detention!"
"Stop it! We gotta be positive!" Right after I say that I trip on the stairs that had out of nowhere appeared in front of me.
   "Ahh!" I topple down and rip a hole in the bag causing its contents to spill out on top of me.
   "Nononono!" I shout trying to brush it off me,"This cannot be happening!"
"(Y/n)! Hurry! She's right behind you!"
I turn and see the cat standing at the doorway before pouncing on top of me, tearing holes into my shirt.
   "Ah kitten nuggets! Get-off-me-you dirty- flea bag!" I yell, shoving at the cat.
   It didn't move. Then it scratches at my face causing me to bleed a little above the eyebrow.
   (Y/f) then comes and kicks the cat off me. "C'mon! We gotta go now or she'll catch up!" I take her hand and she helps me up then we run down the hallway and behind a statue.
   "Last time I deal with cat products." I growl.
"Haha, I told you it was a bad idea to try and prank the twins."
"Oh shut up..."
    We catch out breathe then get up and walk out way back to our common room to rest a little before breakfast.

*end of flashback*

    "You tried to prank us?!" Fred laughs,"You really thought that'd work out?!" Then all three of them start to laugh.
   "Ah alright, be quiet before I beat you all." I say.
"And I can't believe (y/f) kicked that cat. Did it look hurt?" George asks.
   I shrug my shoulders,"I don't know, she kicked it in the face. Or close to. If Filch were to find out we'd end up six feet under."
   "That's wicked." Ron amuses.  I shake my head.
"You guys are all too easily entertained."
"And you, are too easily beaten!" Fred claims.
"Oh shut your mouth. It was just a poorly planned time that's all."
   "Yeah. That's it..." George sniggers.
I roll my eyes,"One day I'll get you guys. One day."

A/n: sorry about the slow update. Got my wisdom teeth out. Too tired to update. Anyways hope you enjoyed! Hopefully new chapter soon!!

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