Snow Fun

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Your pov~
I open my eyes due to the light leaking into the room. It's bright and I wish I hadn't opened my eyes because I now feel blinded.
I pull my watch off the nightstand and check the time. It's 6:34, ugh better get up and dress before breakfast is done. 
   I try to roll over but I can't. I remember now. Fred.  I should wake him up now before someone walks in and sees us.
   "Heyyyy Fredddd! You should maybe get up now..." I say sweetly as I poke his shoulder.
"Mmmmmm, how I'm tired and I want to go back to sleep."
"Oh no you don't. You're not pulling the 'five more minutes' on me." I start to push on his chest to try and move him. Instead he pulls my arm down and embracing me.
"Can't we just stay here?" He mumbles in a sleepy voice. I can tell he's still more than half asleep.
" need to go back to your room before people get suspicious of us."
"We didn't do anything bad-"
"Yeah but they don't know that!" I hiss.
I tried to squirm out of his grasp but it was no use. His grip was too strong.
"Fred, please?"
"I can't hear you. I'm sleeping."
"Fred Weasley."
He's practically as stubborn as a camel. I might as well just bite him. No...that's rude...even for me, hah.
"If you get up now I will possibly give you a kiss afterwards."
"Ughhhhhh..." he whines as he rolls off the bed and onto the ground with a thump.
" head..."
"Hey I never said you had to fall off the bed. That was all you."
He continues to whine on the floor until I get up. I just roll my eyes.
"Stop being such a baby."
"Fine. Do I get that kiss now?"
"Hey I never said for sure. I said possibly."
He whines again and throws a sock at me.
"You're mean!"
"No im not. I just wanted you off me."
"Meeeeeaaaaaannnnn!!" And with that he rolled under the bed.
"You're so dramatic," I mock," stay under there so I can change really quickly."
"No! Girls take forever to change! I do t want to be stuck under here."
"Chill man, I'll be quick."
~three minutes later~
"Okay you can come out from under there now."
"It's about time..."
"Oh you be quiet. It wasn't even that long."
   He comes out from underneath the bed and stands up.
  "You know it's not likely that anyone other than my mother is awake right now right?"
"So? What's the matter with that?"
"That matter with it is it's too early to be doing anything right now!"
"Wanna build a snow-------fort?!" (Haha, did you think I was gonna say snowman?!)
  "Ugh. Cold. Outside."
"Go put clothes on. We're going outside."
" Oh alright."
    He walks back out of his room in jeans and a coat.  Wow men here dress so nicely... unlike in Murica.
"Okay, let's go freeze our butts off out in the cold weather outside."
"Oh quiet you. If I were George you'd be all for it."
"That is only half true. Sometimes cold is just plain cold.
   "Well right now it's getting really warm in here. I need to chill for just a moment. Is that alright?"
   He dramatically nods then walks down the stairs as I follow him.
   "Looks like my mum isn't down here at the moment.  Let's be quiet as we go outside."
   We use the front door to go outside.
"After you," he winks holding the door open.
"No barrel, I insists, after you..." I say.
"Is that a fat joke?!"
"No no! I honestly don't know why I said that it just kinda came out."
    Fred laughs and pokes my nose,"You're crazy."
"Not as crazy as you!"
    I run outside and kick at the ground watching snow fly everywhere.  I spin as flakes start to fall from the sky. I feel so magical.
    "Like what you see?" He asks,"Cause i do."
I turn around and stick my tongue out at him.
"You're so cheesy."
"Well I may be stupid but at least I'm ugly."
"Okay none of that was true."
"You never think my jokes are funny!" He laughs defensively.
"That was a joke?!"
    We start to laugh at how lame his humor has gotten lately. He's gotten to the 'dad joke' point in humor. And he's not even a dad yet! (Awe 'yet' how cute!) 
    "We are going to wake someone up!!" He yells gleefully.
"Someone?! More like everyone!!" I yell at the same frequency.
   Ron pokes his head out the window,"BLIMEY YOU TWO WOULD YOU MIND SHUTTING UP IM TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!"
    We just laugh more as Ron slips back inside. We must've been on something because our laughter turned into sobs.  We were laugh/ crying so hard we had to hold each other up.
    And it didn't help when George ran outta the house wrapped in a blanket and holding his pillow when he just face plants into the snow.
   "Georgie!!" Fred laughs and he too falls over doubling over in laughter.
   Usually I'm not this crazy but I'm sure someone spiked our water.   So I too fall over with laughter.
   The cold snow on the ground not even bothering me as I lay face first in the cold.
"Freeeeeeeeedddddddd!!!!!!!" I yell.
"What what whatie what?!"
"I'm cold!!"
    He laughs more then George laughs and then they both answer in unison,"Me too!"
We lay in the snow for about five minutes just laughing.
   It doesn't take long till Ron comes outside and throws a rock at George's head.
"What the heck?!"he screams.
"I told you all to shut up!" He growls as he stomps back into the house.
   I stand up and walk over to George who is still aching and help pull him up.  Fred is also standing behind me.
   "Guess you two have had enough of the cold huh?" I ask shaking some snow off myself.
"We didn't get to make anything with the snow like you wanted." Fred points out.
"Oh that's fine. We can do that some other time right now I'm cold and I want to go inside.
   He shrugs his shoulders and walks over to me linking his arms with mine.  "Let's be off then."
   George then comes over and walks in the other side of his brother.
   "Where exactly did Ron have that rock before he threw it?" I ask having it dawn on me that he had pulled it from his pocket.
   "He's Ron." George comments.
"We don't question it." Fred adds on.
  I just shake my head.  Their family is so weird, scattered, and crazy. But I love it.  I kind of wish I could be part of it all.
   Breakfast is over and everyone is getting ready to go sledding. Except George and I. I am all ready as he sits in the corner scribbling something down real fast.
  "Whatcha writing there George?" I ask looking over his shoulder.
"Nothing!" He covers the parchment with his arms.
"A love letter?"
"More like an admiring letter. And it's none of your business!"
   I punch his arm as I walk away smiling. No doubt I can guess who that's going to. 
   "Hey Fred! Where are we going sledding exactly?" I shout up the stairs.
"Um. I'm not sure. It's just a few miles from here. We have a portkey."
"Okay thanks."
"Anytime, love!"
   I run up the stairs to my room to grab my boots. I might want some better shoes.  And I grab the sweater that Mrs. Weasley made me for Christmas. She's such a doll.
   "Ronnie-kins C'mere for a second!" I shout.
Ron then comes down the stairs.
"If you call me that again I swear I'll jump off the roof."
"Haha, Im sorry I had to. Anyways. I found your rat in here." I say handing him his pet.  Ew I hate rats! 
   " Oh thanks, (y/n) he keeps running off."
"Anytime Ron, see you downstairs." I say waving him bye as he walks back to his room.
     Fred then enters and sits on the bed.
"Sometimes I question why the things we do for fun are fun. You get me?"
"Uh, not really..."
"Like sledding. Who decided that sliding down a hill/cliff on a small board should be fun?"
  I walk over to him and pull his hat onto his head, I don't really know why it was in here but it was.
   "Maybe because it's fast? And crates adrenaline?"  I say.
"So all things fast are fun?"
"Awe baby kitties, that's not the case. You could get run over real fast and that's not fun.  I'm just saying that maybe it's fun cause you are like, I dunno. It gives you a feeling of freedom."
   "Freedom? Like an eagle?" He asks sarcastically.
"Oh gosh- yes Fred, like an eagle."
He chuckles and stands up and hugs me.  Gosh dang it he makes me feel so small...
"You know Im only messing with yah."
"Yeah, I know." I sigh,"It's about the only thing you ever do..."
   He lets go,"Like, hey man! That's not true."
"Oh yes it is and don't even pretend it's not, now let's go before everyone else leaves us!"
I say as I push him out the door, following along behind him.

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