Plan B

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    Your pov~
   Saturday morning! The snow has melted, flowers are starting to bloom, the grass is starting to regain its color!
   What a lovely day to stay inside and hate on everything in life...
I pull out my notebook from under my bed and start to draw a picture.  I guess I'll draw a person.
  Drawing always helps me take my mind off things. I don't get stressed out as much and it helps me focus.
  I draw the legs. Then the torso and arms. And I finish with the head and face.
   It doesn't look half bad- oh gosh no. I drew Fred... I crumple up the paper and throw it at the garbage.
  I miss epically and it lands on (y/f)s bed.  She picks it up.
"Ah no! Dont open that!" I say.  Which she decides to open it anyways.
  "Oh how good! Why'd you throw this out?"
"I think you know why..."
She tosses the paper to her night stand and sits up.
  "You need to stop moping over this and go talk to him."
"Um, in case you haven't noticed...he broke it off with me."
"-because he thought you were cheating!"
"I wasn't cheating!"
"Yeah just keeping secrets from him! And me not to mention!"
"It wasn't even that big of a secret!"
   She rolls her eyes and lays back down.
"Was big enough for you to lose your boyfriend over...."
   Her saying that only makes me more mad. It wasn't my fault! He just wasn't listening! And he obviously wanted to be done with me!
   "Even if I did talk to him, that doesn't mean he'd want to talk to me." I end the conversation.
   "That's what you think..." she says before going back to her book.
   She doesn't get it. She wouldn't get it. She's never been through this situation. She hasn't even told George she likes him yet.
   So she has no idea what the situation is.  I love her, but sometimes I wish people would just stop trying to help me figure out my life...

(Y/f)'a pov~
She is obviously getting g mad at me but I don't care. She's not helping herself so that leaves it up to me!
So I am pretending to read this book just so I can spy on her. But she's not really doing anything that great. She's just drawing a picture of- wait what is she drawing?
I subtly stand up and make my way around her(by that I mean awkwardly and obviously). She turns around and looks at me,"what are you doing?" She asks forcing the picture downwards.
"Nothing- just inspecting the top of your head..." I lie.
"Mkay, we'll go inspect something way over th-" she points into the corner but I grab her drawing off her lap and look at it.
"Hey that is mine you should give it back before I cut off your hands!"
"No I just want to see what you're drawing." I look back down at the drawing and melt at how cute it is.
"Awe! You drew Fred!"
"No I didn't! I mean, what? Psh no that's- er- George!"
"Stop that! You don't get it! I can't just move on! You've never been in love before. So you don't understand!"
    My face reddens and (y/n) freezes. I can tell she realized that what she said upset me.
"You're right, I've never been in a relationship, but that doesn't give you the right to tell me that I don't know what I am talking about."
   I spin around and walk towards the exit.
"No wait, (y/f)! I didn't mean it like that-" I hear her call but I'm not in the mood to listen to her complain more.
   I leave the common room and make my way to where I know I can find George.
   I reach the spot where I see the twins and Lee. I quicken my pace as k come into their view.
"Hey (y/f)! What's up?" George asks standing to talk to me.
"Come with me." I grab his upper arm and pull him with me around the corner so no one else can hear us.
   "Ow ow ow! You're hurting me!"
"I'm sorry but no one else can hear us!"
I pull him farther till we are where no one else can be seen or heard.
     "Okay, no one else is here. What did you want to talk about?" He asks, folding his arms against his chest.
"I think you know." I say in an obvious tone.
"(Y/n) is driving me nuts. She's all depressed and now she is just mean."
"Same with Fred's hard getting him to say more than a sentence atta time."
"See that's what I'm talking about!" I whisper shout.
   He then lets his arms drop to his sides and leans in to make sure that no one will hear this."
"So what do you suppose we do?" He asks.
"You're George Weasley! Shouldn't you have a plan?!" I half shout.
"Oh don't worry love, I always have a plan..." he says as a mischievous grin spreads across his face.
   Something about his smile made me both a bit nervous and excited. It must be a Weasley thing...

Some of this chapter was erased. I'll add the rest as soon as I can. Sorry.

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