"No it's still mine."

"But it's so stretchy and warm and it smells good." I whine like a child hoping that he will just give in and let me have it.

"Aw thanks Genie." Calum coos making me frown at him. He notices my confusion and lightly chuckles. "You said I smell good."

"No I didn't. I said this jumper smells good." I defend but let's be honest Calum smelled amazing. He had this natural boyish musk that when mixed in with his cologne and our washing powder just smelt like heaven. I was so glad that he wasn't one of those smelly boys. I don't think I would be able to live with him if he was.

"It's the same thing." He points out and we both know he's right.

"I'm still keeping it." I shrug.

"Sure you are." He shakes his head at me but I see the smile that's tugging at his lips.

"Cal why did we drink last night?" I ask him still not happy about being this hungover. I could feel my headache lessening slowly as the pain relief worked its magic but it didn't take away the crappy feeling that I knew I was probably stuck with for the rest of the day.

"I don't know." Calum chuckles. "I think next Friday we should just go to the movies or something."

"That sounds like the best idea ever." I say before finishing the rest of my water.

"Are you hungry?" Calum asks and I Shake my head. The thought of eating made me want to throw up and I didn't want that.

"You need to eat Genie. You will feel better afterwards." Calum says and I know he's right I just don't think I could stomach anything just yet.

"Soon. I promise." Calum looks at me for a minute but knows that he's not going to get anyway so he doesn't push it.

"So no bar sluts last night." I comment with a small grin.

Calum sighs before chuckling. "Oh god."

"Why not?" I ask him. He stands up from his seat and grabs his plate before dropping it in the sink.

"I was out with all of yous." He replies casually.

"Like that's stopped you before." I scoff playfully.

"I don't know. I just wasn't in the mood." I almost choke on my spit at his reply.

"Wait...what? Am I hearing correctly? Calum Hood not in the mood for sex. Wow." I say and Calum rolls his eyes.

"Who said anything about not being the mood for sex?"

"But you just said.." I start but Calum cuts me off.

"I said I wasn't in the mood. I didn't say what for." A smirk spreads across his lips. "I'm always in the mood for sex." It was my time to roll my eyes this time. Bloody boys.

"Of course." I lightly laugh.

"I just wasn't in the mood to deal with 'bar sluts' last night." Calum tells me and I can't help but smile at the fact that he uses my term for his hookups now. When I first came up with it he got all defensive but now it didn't seem to phase him.

"Fair enough. I don't know how you do it in the first place." I move my glass away from me and fold my arms down on the counter before resting my head on them.

"They aren't that bad." Calum defends coming back over to his seat.

"Really?" I snort. "Don't even go there." Lets just say that some of the girls that Calum had acquainted himself with were complete airheads, like seriously thick.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя