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 "Wha-! What's happening to me?!"

A foreign sensation flooded her veins, surging power growing. Myah cringed, tightening her muscles, gasping and unable to move. Searing heat exploded across her back, the sound of cracking bones filling her ears. The exobyte fell off her arm, shriveling up. Whatever it did stopped in that moment and the pain went away completely. Myah opened her eyes slowly, glancing around the room. Her t-shirt lay torn to shreds next to her,leaving her in her tank top. It shifted and moved with something underneath it. Reaching over tentatively, she moved it aside, revealing green plant stalks.

"What?" she breathed lightly, unable to figure out what was going on. The little plants grew at an accelerated rate, both alarming and intriguing to watch. They budded and blossomed before Myah's eyes.

Shaking her head, Myah stood slowly, knocking books off their shelf to her far right. But she stood in the middle of the room? She turned, sending the lamp on her desk to the floor as well. Glancing back, Myah nearly shouted in surprise. Small black feathered bird wings shone darkly in the dim lighting. She felt them, the weight of them, the muscles. Slowly, Myah stretched them. The tips each touched the walls of her small room. They were strong and beautiful. But how could she hide them?

The front door downstairs opened. Her father's voice carried up the stairs as he spoke to someone in spanish. Probably to one of his cousins Myah figured. Thinking quickly, Myah grabbed one of her larger jackets and put it on. She zipped it up as he checked in on her.

"Your uncle says hi. He also says we need to fly over to Spain this summer. What do you think?"

"Yeah Papa, that would be great!" Myah managed a smile. "Hey, can I go to Jackie's? We have a test in a few days and I wanted to study with her."

"Alright, just make sure you take your iron with if you stay the night there." He gave her a kiss on the forehead and left her room, once again speaking in spanish.

Myah quickly sent a text to her best friend before packing an overnight bag and kicking her torn shirt under her bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Papa," she called, heading out the door.

The streets of Gotham echoed an eerie silence, even in the usually active areas. Like the calm before a storm, Myah thought. It sent a chill down her spine as she walked briskly, not wanting to get caught all alone at this time of night. She didn't feel in the mood for any delays.

Gang thugs hung out in an alley Myah passed, just bullshitting and knocking each other around. They were too busy to notice her. She turned onto Jackie's street, heading for the house at the end of the road. Jackie already had the backdoor open when Myah got there. Myah gave her a hug, grateful to see her friend's hearing aid still on.

"Jackie, is anyone else home?'

Jackie shook her head. "What's going on?" she asked, slightly panicked. "Your text kinda worried me."

"Remember when I told you about my secret superhero identity?" Myah spoke in a hushed tone, being sure to close and lock the door behind her. "And you know those stories recently about people suddenly having powers and stuff?"

Jackie nodded, clearly confused.

"Well... I think I got whatever they got." Myah removed her jacket and spread her cramping wings. Jackie's eyes widened.

*Wow,* she signed. Myah nodded.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do." Her hands trembled as she continued in sign. *Help me please?*

"I'm not sure either. Does your dad know?" Myah shook her head. "Maybe you should tell him. I've been saying you should tell him all of it. Even the stuff about learning from Batman."

"I know... But I don't want him to worry about me. Or tell me that I can't work cases anymore. Or-"

Jackie took Myah by the hand.

"So what, you're just going to hide this," she gestured to the wings, "on top of the fact that you've been a hero under Batman's mentoring for nearly two years now?"

"Hey, Batman only started training me nine months ago. Before that I was on my own... Oh... I'll have to tell him, too... Okay, I'll talk to Batman first, then papa. Sound good?"

"As long as you tell your dad. Speaking of the bat, when is your next lesson?"

"Tonight," Myah sighs. "You wanna tag along?"


The Batcave. A legendary location nearly everyone in Gotham speculated about, though few ever saw it. Jackie always marveled at it. Myah fixed her mask and suit, though she still wore her jacket until they reached the inner sanctum. Batman stood waiting for them in the training room. He watched Myah.

"Training might be a bit difficult in a winter coat, don't you think, WillowFinch? Or are you getting ready for winter this year. I didn't think it got that cold."

Myah bit her lip nervously. "Actually, something happened." She slipped her jacket off, her bright yellow and black suit giving off a faint golden glow. Spreading her brand new wings, Myah shook them out a little. Batman looked them over silently, circling her to get a better view.

"Do they work?" he asked. "Can you fly?"

Myah shrugged. "I haven't tried yet."

"Try now."

Blinking dumbly for a moment, she nodded. Moving them, she quickly figured out how to flap them. They created strong gusts around her, but they didn't lift her off the ground. Batman eyed her.

"You look lighter. How much did you last weigh in as?"

"One thirty-two," Myah answered slowly, not understanding what he was getting at.

"You move a lot lighter on your feet. And you hold yourself a little differently now. Come, let's get a scan of you, see how much that exobyte changed you."


"It seems your bones hollowed out. But that doesn't necessarily mean you are brittle. They bend more now, much like a bird's." Myah stepped out of the examination chamber as Batman continued. "Your wings are flexible as well. With that in mind, it wouldn't be hard to make a harness or something like that to help you conceal them during the day. The scan also picked up trace amounts of pherom-"

Myah's cell phone rang, the theme from her favorite crime show echoing through the Batcaves.

"Erm, that would be Papa," she said nervously, as NCIS continued playing loudly. Batman waited silently, making Myah even more nervous as she answered. "Hey Papa. Just about to hit the hay. What's up?"
"Myah, I found a ruined shirt under your bed, is everything okay?"

"Of course, Papa. I got caught on the fence I duck under on my way home from school. Nothing but a few scratches. I already used those Hello Kitty bandaids on them, I think I'll pull through." Her answer seemed to satisfy him.

"Okay sweetie. I'll see you in the morning than, tell Jackie hi for me." With that, he hung up. Myah breathed a sigh of relief before signing to Jackie what had been said. Batman still stood quietly for several more moments. He turned to his screens, crossing his arms.

"With the exobye outbreak, I'm going to be a lot more busy with all the new powers and what not as people figure out what they are going to do with them. I'm afraid our lessons will have to be put on hold for however long it takes to sort everything out."

Myah gave an understanding nod.

"In that case, I'll use what you've taught me and start working on my own again. See you in the streets, sir."

With that, she and her best friend left the cave to head home for the night. Myah hadn't been kidding about that test.

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