Mysterious Beginning

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She awoke in an unfamiliar place. Her head felt heavy and exploded with pain when she tried to move into a more comfortable position.

"I advise against any movement for the time being. You took quite a fall, young one."

She started to become more aware of her surroundings, enough to know she was lying on a bed in a small room.

"I don't remember falling," she told voice. now she could "see" the outline of the older man. She sensed no hostility in him. instead he radiated only kindness. His aura was a soft blue, warm and welcoming to the little Miraluka girl.

"What do you remember? Or perhaps I should give you time to fully wake up before I ask that, hm?"

Without understanding how, she knew she was on a spaceship.

"I don't think I've ever been on a spaceship before. Where are we going?"

The kind man gave a little chuckle.

"Perceptive child you are. We're on our way to the Jedi Temple, located on Tython. Have you heard of the Jedi? Do you know what that is?"

She thought for a minute.

"I think I do. That word sounds familiar. Are you a Jedi? What do Jedi do? What's the temple like? Are there lots of Jedi there?"

"Slow down young one. You're full of questions, aren't you? Yes, I am a Jedi. Jedi are the protectors and peace-keeper of the galaxy. The Temple is the main training ground for Jedi and yes, there are many Jedi there." The Jedi paused. "I'm surprised you haven't asked about your family and friends that you're leaving behind. On that point, what is your name?"

The girl shrugged. She sensed the man seemed bothered by something, something about her. "What's the matter?"

"Well, child," he sat down by her bed, "it seems you don't have any memory of your life. Does this not bother you?"

"No. I have a feeling that it's better left forgotten. I'm not sure why, but I don't think I want to remember."

The old Jedi left it at that and said nothing more.

Random Pieces of Practice/Just for Fun WritingOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant