Youngster's Takeoff

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Crouched behind a large crate, a young boy watched the hired bay-hands of a smuggler's ship load boxes onto a beautiful freighter. He waited for the opportune moment to dash across the hanger and board the ship. Excitement at the idea flooded through him in anticipation of the adventures that were out there calling him. There was nothing left for him here on Nar Shaddaa any more, not since his mother passed away. None of the other child he knew took him seriously when he said he was going to escape this planet and leave the brutal life here behind. Well, none except Ritteakka, the little Rattataki slave girl he befriended. She believed he could escape and encouraged it even.

The opportunity presented itself and he dashed as fast as he could across the hanger. He made to the ship! Running up the ramp, the boy checked behind him to make sure no one saw. He should have been looking ahead of him.

Someone grabbed him to keep him from falling backwards down the ramp.
"You should watch where yer going, boy . Might just run into the captain of the ship yer trying to stow away on."

He looked up to see a man with a neatly shaved mustache-goatee and nicely trimmed hair. The man wore a nice shirt under his old beat-up duster jacket and trousers that looked pretty new. Even the duster was better than the boy's own ragged clothes, tattered and tailed too many times to count. But the boy himself wasn't ragged, and he knew that. He had check himself in a broken piece of glass on the way over. He tried to push past the man. This was his only change off this lawless planet and he'd fight tooth and nail if need be to get on that ship.
"Well, since yer so keen on hijacking," the man held him back with ease, "maybe you should tell me yer name, so I'll at least know who to hunt down for this terrible theft."

He felt annoyed at the fact that this man thought he could mock him. Kicking the man's shin, the boy darted around him and through the ship's door. He faced the man.

"The name's Jaybie!" Then he ran inside the cargo bay . The sight made him freeze. Boxes upon boxes of medical supplies. Not just any med supplies either, Imperial supplies.

"People all over need this stuff, and those damn Imps are hogging it. I'm on my way to Tython, the Jedi temple. Would you like to help?"
Jaybie nodded, his eyes still bugging out of his head. The man smiled.

"Then welcome to my crew, Jaybie. I am Captain Medlin, and this", indicating the ship, "is the Star Sprite."  

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