Love and Betrayal

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  Oscar shook his head at her. "It's a real pity, Kaeth. A woman like you is difficult to find. And with your rare ability you could have done so much more, but you decided to hinder progress." He pulled her closer, his revolver still to her head. "I still managed to use you anyway. Every time you took me back with you on time rewinds I was able to further my plan at earlier points in time. That journal I keep isn't for poems. I needed some way to remember everything. But the runes on the bindings only show sappy love lines unless a word is spoken." With a wicked grin, Oscar pulled the trigger. The gun clicked as the hammer stuck and the cylinder rotated. Kaeth didn't even flinch, hot seething anger rooting her in place. Her red irises seemed to dance with a dangerous fire as he swayed her back and forth to the music. "Look, I will admit none of this was easy, and there were times my feelings for you got in the way and made me think twice about going through with it all. No one has cared for me like you do. Even now I wish I could walk away. Killing you is the last thing I want to do. Hence why I spun a bullet and I'm giving you four chances." Pulling back the hammer again, Oscar squeezed the trigger again, still only clicks. "I will regret not making you mine. I know I easily could have. You were practically begging for it."
"I was not begging for it and I never would have taken you," Kaeth explained through gritted teeth. Click click. She wished this game was over already.
"Last chance. And being so, I think I'll give you a choice. Work with me, bring about chaos and construction of a new empire, or brave the fourth chamber."
"You are touched in the head if you think I'd ever even consider it. Just goes to show you never really knew me at all." Kaeth's tone held heavy disappointment. A shot rang out through the old building, echoing down halls and stairs, its note fading just as quick as it sounded.  

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