Cameli Felbrook

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A character of mine who has multiple identities across the galaxy and this is one of them.

  Cameli Felbrook, the long lost daughter of the late Javenich Felbrook and sole heir to the Felbrook fortune. At age 16 she found her father and took care of him until he passed. At age 21 she inherited the fortune and began putting it to charity use. She is known well enough to be invited to events but not enough to catch public attention. Nearly engaged to a man named Donathan.  At least, that's the story everyone in her "father's" social circles knew. None of them suspected that the Cameli they all grew to admire actually had the name Kaethrine Solara, a seemingly faceless information gatherer who excelled at her job of blending in and taking new names. Very few who laid eyes on her true features often were unaware they looked upon the woman who's services steadily became popular in many secretive circles. Never meeting a client face to face, Kaeth remained ever careful to prevent positive identification on her, personal attachments, and a trail of any kind that could lead back to herself or her wide net of informants. Of all the identities she created, Cameli took the most work to set up. Upon finding old man Felbrook near the end of his life and in all the right circles she needed for gossip information (rich folk love to gossip), she faked a positive DNA test to prove herself to be his long lost daughter who only managed to find him now because her mother just passed away. The man, who had no one else, didn't question the positive test, grateful that he wouldn't die alone now. Kaeth spend many work hours infiltrating many of the friend groups he had, asserting herself as a kind and generous young lady, furthering this with Javenich's permission by setting up a large charity for street child like she herself had been. From there, she only needed to stop in to check up on the old man every few weeks in between her other jobs. The position proved useful on many occasions, especially when rumors bounced around more often. She stored everything in her massive database on her ship, everything proves to be useful at some point or another, doesn't it?

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