The Padawan and Apprentice

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I wrote this for my creative writing class, it was an assignment we had to do that I had fun with. I kinda wish I had written  more but the assignment only required two acts. Anyhow, enjoy!


Lunal, the quite, sensible padawan of a stubborn, brash Jedi Master. Caring and careful, looks out for others wellbeing and puts them before her own.

Dawmier, the power-hungry, manipulative apprentice of a cruel, hateful Sith Lord. Let's nothing get between him and what he wants, heeds no one.

Kyleen Sooray, the young Force-sensitive child caught up between the padawan and the apprentice.

Bounty Hunters 1, 2, & 3, the hired guns sent to take the Jedi padawan captive for ransom.

Setting: Stranded in hutt space on the planet of Nal Hutta, Padawan Lunal must keep a low profile as she and Kyleen, the Force-sensitive child she was sent retrieve, try to find a way back to the safety of the Jedi Order. They are intercepted by Dawmier, a Sith apprentice who was sent to apprehend the child at all costs.

Act I, Scene 1

The sun is setting on Hutta as Lunal swiftly makes her way through the enormous swamp between them and the nearest city. Kyleen, the little Mirialan girl, is clinging to Lunal's back as the padawan, with aid from the Force, dashes to their destination. Out of nowhere, a giant tree falls in their path, and Lunal pulls Kyleen into her arms as they hit the ground rolling. Dawmier steps out in front of them. Lunal moves Kyleen away from him and begins to stand, but Dawmier uses the Force to pin her under a large branch.


(He gives a malicious chuckle)

Well, well, well. You're that troublesome padawan I ran into back on Corellia. You cost me a great deal, my Master was not pleased with me.

(Pausing, he frowns at the thought of punishment his Master prefers)


(Standing up, she speaks in a quiet and frightened voice, drawing DAWMIER's attention)

Padawan Lunal? What does he want? Why is he doing this?


(Walks towards the child)

Hello Sweetie.


Stay away from her! Don't you hurt her!

(Struggles to get out from under the branch)


Don't worry, she won't get hurt much.

(Is knocked to the ground by the branch LUNAL uses the Force to move)


I told to stay away from her. I will not let you harm or corrupt her. She is young, full of light and innocence. I will not allow you to take that away from her.


Surely you sense it, the strength she holds, her untapped ability to wield the Force with great power. A gifting like that is very useful to the cause of the Empire and to the cause the Sith .

Random Pieces of Practice/Just for Fun WritingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora