Sariel's Peace

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Raxus Prime, Sith Facility

Sariel's Peace

Sariel rocked little Kaea to sleep before setting the child in her crib and continued her rounds. Now that she oversaw the care for the children, the young winged woman found herself constantly busy. She didn't mind though.Taking naps as she required them, she had fallen into a routine, giving up on ever escaping at this point. Besides, these children needed her. And Sariel already made up her mind that all of them would be shown love and kindness. She knew each and every one by name, knew how they each liked to be soothed, and she could even tell who was crying by the sounds of their little voices. Many of them lit up and smiled upon seeing Sariel enter their rooms. She sang and talked to them (most of them would sing with her now, knowing the lullaby from Sonra by heart), told them stories she made up, and took the time to play with them as well. And she feared for them. Moving slowly down the dark hallway, Sariel stopped outside of the door of a Rattataki girl, almost two years old, by the name of Ritteakka. Soft sniffles could be heard from inside so Sariel entered quietly. Ritteakka happened to be the tight lipped little girl who still didn't trust Sariel yet, and the Sonrarian honestly couldn't blame her. Within her crib, Ritteakka froze, before quickly insisting that she hadn't been crying as she tried to wipe her pale face on her blanket.

"No cry, see? No cry, no hurt me, I no cry."

It broke Sariel's heart.

"What's the matter, little one?" she asked tenderly. Ritteakka remained silent for a few moments before hesitantly showing Sariel a bruise on her knee, as well as several scratches on her arm from whatever sith had caught the girl wandering out of her room. Cooing gently, Sariel lifted the little Rattataki up and took her to the nearest sink to get washed up. She made sure to be very careful and keep her voice as soothing as possible as she spoke to Ritteakka. When the child wouldn't answer, Sariel hummed the lullaby, then sang it lovingly. Ritteakka looked up at her for the first time, with her big icy blue eyes, as tears rolled down her little cheeks. It made Sariel's voice catch in her throat, but she continued singing. Her own eyes watered and she tried to hold back any tears threatening to escape, but she lost a minute later when Ritteakka's voice joined hers.

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