Unpleasant Start

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Uncle Barius loomed over Arellandai with a very disappointed glare.

"I thought you knew better than to try and meddle with me, you little wretch!" The back of his hand crossed her cheek with a sting. No matter how many times Barius did that it always stunned her, but she was willing to take that punishment rather than let him have his way with little Elana Rose, her endearing cousin, who sat in the corner of the room shaking in fright. Elana Rose was only seven, four years younger than Arey. Arey saw the little Miraluka child as a sister who needed to be protected and Arey stepped up to do so ever since she became her uncle's burden.

"I've had enough of this from you, Arellandai. No wonder your parents couldn't handle you." Barius stood straight and composed himself when his mistress came in to inform him that the guests had arrived. He looked at Elana Rose, then glared at Arey one last time before sending her out on errands to keep her out of his political work.

Out on the back streets of Alderaan Arey felt more at ease. She knew the territory well enough. Her day was going like every other day before; fetching the desired items, avoiding attention, sticking to back ways, and trying to think of a way to get her and her precious cousin away from Barius. It wasn't until she happened to see a strange cloaked figure standing in the route she always took to get back to her uncle's place that her day changed. Arey would have just continued on except he was looking at a hologram of something she knew too well.

"I-I've seen that b-before...." she said hesitantly. The stranger spun around and drew a blaster. Arey froze in terror.

"Where?" he demanded, but Arey couldn't speak. The Zabrak relaxed a little and, holstering his blaster, crouched down in front of her.

"I can give you something, anything you want, but only if you help me. What is it that you would like? A new toy? Some sort of pet? Maybe some devices of sorts?" He smiled, trying to appear friendly. If he really could get her what she wanted.... With his offer Arey felt a bit bolder.

"I-I..." She took in a breathe. "I want the credits to get me and Elana Rose off this planet. And the person wearing that necklace you're looking for? I want him dead."

The alien was taken aback by her request. Such a desire from someone so young and innocent.

"Alright little miss, you've got a deal."

Arellandai returned to her uncle's home well after nightfall, much later then she was suppose to but she didn't care. Let Barius beat her, it would be the last time. First thing she did was sneak to Elana Rose's room to wake the child. One problem though. Elana Rose was not in her room. Arey quickly found the service droid, activated, and interrogated him.

"Why, young mistress, have you not heard? There was an accident after your cousin and uncle had a squabble in his bedroom. She was being disobedient and ran out into the hall and down the stairs. She tripped and tumbled to the bottom. Nothing could be done, she didn't survive. Oh! Your poor uncle was devastated! He-" Arey had heard enough. Flipping the droid's switch, she headed to her uncle's bedroom. Arey was very careful not to make the door creak as she entered. The small silenced blaster found its way into her hand somehow between the door and her uncle.

The Zabrak was still in the alley when she returned.

"What took so long?"

"I..." Arey stared at her trembling hands, the blaster, the blood. She looked at the bounty hunter, fighting back tears, biting her lower lip. His eyes softened in understanding. The first bounty, the first kill, was always the hardest.

"You're pretty tough for having just killed your uncle. Most girls your age would be beside themselves in tears still next to the body. You did good. I see potential in you to become a great hunter." He paused. "Where's the other? Weren't you going to bring someone with you?"

Arey couldn't help it. She burst into tears.

"Sh-she's d-dea-d..." The Zabrak, not expecting this turn, tipped his head back in thought. Arey hadn't been upset over her uncle or that she was the one who killed him. She was tougher than that.

"H-here..." She offered up the blaster and the dazzling jeweled necklace, but the hunter shook his head.

"You made the kill, you get the bounty. Keep the blaster, it's your new best friend." He knelt down and wiped the tears from her face. "Come along, we have more bounties to collect. The name is Brytter, by the way. You?"


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