The Doctor

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An idea I had, what if I met the Doctor? Would he (Now she) actually take me on adventures? Probably not but one can dream, can't she? It's very short, but still a favorite.

  He looked her over with a stoic expression. "And why should I take you with me? What makes you so much more special than any other human on this planet that justifies you traveling with me?"Bitiing lip, she kept his gaze and clenched her fists. "Absolutely nothing. There's no reason you should let me along. I'm not the smartest being or strongest or most cleaver. I don't have my life together like most adult because I've always been too busy with my head in the stars. All I've got going for me is my writing and imagination and my dreams."He grinned at her and waved her in. "Come on then, that's all you need."  

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