He made sure Nick wasn't watching and turned to look at Liam who had a confused look on his face. 'Who was that?' he mouthed. Harry shrugged and motioned Liam to sit back down. 

He turned back and luckily, Nick wasn't back. Harry took his phone out and saw that Louis had texted him. 

From LouBear:  Is everything okay babe? Did Nick pull a move on you yet? 

To LouBear: He's trying to get close to me, but luckily someone called him. I have this feeling that they're talking about me. I think that Nick is about to pull something on me. 

He put his phone back into his pocket when he saw Nick walk back.

"Sorry 'bout that." He apologized. 

"We should start on problem 14 and after that we should call it a day." Harry said, ignoring Nick's apology. Nick frowned, but start on the problem. 

On the corner of his eye, Harry saw Liam giving him a thumbs up.  


Niall walked to his locker and opened it. He took out his book and closed the locker. As he locked his locker, Niall saw a figure walking into a hall. He meandered to the hall slowly and carefully so the person wouldn't think he was being followed. 

He stopped when he saw the familiar backpack he would always see when he was with Liam. 

"Zayn?" He called out. He stopped and turned around. Shock was written all over his face.

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Um I go to school here?" Niall said, half jokingly, "But what are you doing here?" Zayn sighed and brushed back his hair with his hand, a sigh on discomfort. 

"I..I was worried about Harry. I am upset with him, but he's still a brother to me." Zayn admitted.

"But Liam, Louis, and I are watching over him." Niall said. 

"I wanted to just check on him and maybe talk to him after he was done tutoring Nick so I was waiting." Zayn said. 

"But aren't you usually at the library to wait for him? I mean we all know he goes there with Louis." Niall said.

"The library was strangely closed. Like all the lights were off. In fact, Mrs. Hayes has been acting really strange if I'm going to be honest." Zayn said. 

Niall shrugged, "All librarians are weird in my opinion. I'm gonna head back to Louis' practice. Not unless you want to join." He offered. 

Zayn shook his head, "Nah, you can go on." Niall nodded and walked off. 


"Okay so I think that we should call it a day." Harry said, packing his stuff. He stood up, but suddenly felt a strong grip on his arm.  He tried to remove his arm from the grip, but failed. He looked at Nick who had this evil smirk on his face. 

"Now now Harry. No need to struggle." He said, chuckling darkly. 

"Let go!" Harry demanded.

"Sorry love, that won't be happening." Nick said. 

"Liam! Help!" Harry cried out. He saw Liam getting up and running towards him. He tried to pull Nick away, but was stopped when a hand grabbed his shoulder. It was Josh. 

Nick started laughing as he tightened his grip on Harry's arm making the younger boy whimper in pain, "You seriously thought that I wouldn't notice? You are such an idiot. An adorable one I must admit." 

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