Chapter 13

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**Check out my new short story It's Only You**

Harry walked into english and the teacher shot him a disaproving look for coming in late, but Harry ignored it and walked over to his friend Nick. They talked only a bit and when Harry first came into the school Nick was showing him around the school and they became friends. 

"Hey mate. Is everything OK?" Nick asked and Harry nodded. 

"Yeah its just the jocks again." Nick looked at him symphetically. Nick also played in the football team but he wasn't friends with the jocks only some other group of popular kids. 

"Anything else?" He asked. Harry gave him a look and decided to not tell Nick about the note and plus then he would have to tell him that he was dating Louis. Sure he was a good friend and all but Harry wasn't close enough with him to share his secrets. 

"You know I was thinking of asking the coach to put Louis in the team." Nick said, "And I wanted to ask you if you could tell him about this cause you know you guys are "After School Buddies" and all." 

Harry smiled, "Yes of course we will." 

"Awesome thanks." 

For the rest of the class Harry took notes and finished up his classwork before leaving for the next of the day. He said goodbye to Nick and took off to the usual bench. He saw Louis there and smiled. Louis was going to love the news.

He ran over and hugged Louis tightly. Louis laughed and kissed his lips. They pulled apart and Harry was still smiling.

"I have some good news. You are going to love it!" Louis arched his eyebrows and looked at his boyfriend, excited to hear the good news. 

"Nick is going to ask the coach to put you into the football team!" Harry said and Louis immediately hugged Harry who had to steady himself to not fall. 

"OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Louis exclaimed and Harry just chuckled. 

"Yes I am love." Louis pulled out of the hug and kissed Harry passionately. The kiss lasted for a minute and they pulled out to catch their breath. 

"This calls for celebration! Lets go to the field." Louis said and ran off to the field with Harry following. 

"But Lou you know I can't play! I am shit at football." Harry groaned. 

"Aw c'mon Haz just one game. Or two?" Louis said. Harry still didn't budge so Louis made a puppy dog face and pouted and Harry sighed. He knew that couldn't deny Louis. 

"Fine." Louis smiled and ran over to him and kissed his cheek and got the football. 

They played a few games with Louis winning most of the time. 

"This is not fair! I hate this game." Harry said, angrily kicking the ball which went into the goal.

"Look Harry! You got it!" Louis yelled out and Harry smiled a bit. 

"Can we go and have a water break?" He asked, Harry still had the note that he found in his locker stuck in his head. They walked over to the bench and Louis took out his water bottle and handed to Harry who gladly took it and had a huge gulp of water.

"You seem lost." Louis said as Harry wiped his mouth.

"Its just school. You know the stress of finals and college." Harry lied. 

"Yeah I know. What courses are you going to take?" Louis asked. 

"Probably business and finanace." Harry said, "You?"

"Sports. I want to be a football coach or player, I want to go to college in Manchester." 

Harry's eyes widened and there was a glow that came to his face.

"Manchester? That's where I also want to go!" 

Louis looked at him happily. 

"Maybe we could you know move in together and have an apartment there." Louis suggested.

"That's a great idea Lou!" Harry exclaimed and kissed Louis' cheek, Louis blushed. 

"And you never know... There might be wedding bells in our future." Harry said, smirking making Louis' blush deepen.

"You look so cute when you blush Lou. I love it." Harry said and leaned over to the older boy and kissed his nose. The older boy giggled and he covered his mouth when he realized he giggled.

"And when you giggle." Harry said.

"Ok you can stop now. Do you want to spend this these last 20 minutes making out in the bathroom? No one is there so.." With that, Harry took Louis' hand and they ran over to the bathroom. 


What these 2 lovers didn't know that there was someone watching them. Every move being watched. They were being watched. 

The figure made way to a locker and they slipped a note into the locker with a satisfied smirk. 

"You may have threw away that note Harry Styles, but just remember that those words on that note is implanted in your brain and thoughts. Maybe another one would do you good." The voice rumbled and the person chuckled evilly. 

He turned away and left, with the clicks of his boots echoing the halls of the school. 


When Louis got home he immediently threw his bags into his room and jumped on his bed, taking his phone out and dialing Nick's number. Yeah, he and Nick were friends, sometimes they would play some games of football during break. 

Before Nick could even say hi, Louis yelled out, "I LOVE YOU SO MUCH NICKY!" 

Nick laughed and said, "Well I take it that Harry gave you the good news." 

"Yep! I am so happy and what did the coach say?" 

"He said that you have to come by tomorrow after school and he's going to watch you play. I know you'll make it and it would be awesome for you to make the team!" Nick said. 

"Do you think I would make a good team mate?" Louis questioned.

"I'm sure you will." Nick assured.

"What about Josh?" Louis asked and there was silence in the other end. 

Josh was the team captain and a huge bully. He would pick on the nerds or make them do his homework. He was also a homophobe. Pratically the only homophobe in the school. One time there was a gay couple in school and Josh bullied them for the whole year until they graduated. He would do anything to take out the gays or lesbians out of school. Maybe even blackmail them. Everyone is surprised the teachers haven't figured out yet, but then again everyone was afraid. 

"Well we'll just see what the coach says." Nick said and Louis bit his lip. Maybe the reason why Harry didn't want to come out was because of Josh?

"Louis? You there?" Nick asked and Louis broke out of his trance.

"Uh yeah, listen I gotta go. Thanks again." 

"Ok bye Lou." Then the phone cut and Louis laid down. There was excitement and terror building up inside of him. 

"I'm gonna do it. For Harry, for Nick, for everyone and especially for myself." Louis said to himself and closed his eyes. 


So who is the blackmailer? Any guesses? BY THE WAY I AM SO SORRY FOR MAKING JOSH THE HOMOPHOBE AND I KNOW HE IS NOT IN REAL LIFE AND HE IS SUPER AWESOME. By the way I got new clothes for summer :D :D :D :D :D :D I know too early but OH WELL

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