Chapter 14

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Harry walked into the school and checked his watch. He was 15 minutes early so he decided to get his books for first period. Yeah he was a geek so being early for school and learning was his thing. He walked over to his locker and opened it. There was another note. Harry picked it up and opened it. 


You think that just by throwing away my note it would make everything back to normal? Ha. Yes I know you threw it away but that just causes more trouble. Now I want you to take this note into consideration and break up with Louis. Or else.

Or else what? 

Harry could feel his hands trembling. What would this person do? Harry didn't want to leave Louis and he was happy with him. He had to talk to someone about this, but  that would mean telling that person that he and Louis were dating. He didn't want to take that risk. 

"I need to think." Harry muttered to himself and crumpled the paper into his pocket and walked to the library.  


Louis walked to the back of the library. It was 7 minutes till school started so he decided to go to Harry, knowing that he was in the library. Strangely Harry didn't send him a text or respond to his. He found the younger lad wrapped up in a book and strangely his phone was sitting right next to him, untouched. 

Louis walked over to him and grabbed his book.

"Louis give me back my book." Harry said in a serious manner. Louis ignored the seriousness in his face and crouched and hugged Harry. To Louis' disbelief Harry pulled away from Louis' touch and took his book and phone and stood up with Louis following suit.

"What's up? No kiss?" Louis asked and Harry didn't look at him. 

"Harry are you ok?" He asked and grabbed Harry's hand. He kissed his knuckle and Harry pulled it away slowly. 

"I'm fine." He muttered and walked away, leaving a confused and upset Louis.


Harry felt guilty. He ignored Louis and even pulled away from his hold. Harry glanced at his watch and it was 3 minutes until the bell rang. He walked to his first period class and sat down, deep in thought. He felt a slap on his back and saw Josh-the school bully- smirking at him. 

"Whatcha thinking about nerd? Your boyfriend?" Harry's eyes widened when he said boyfriend.


"Half the school knows you're a fag nerd. Guess I found my next predator." He said with an evil smirk and took a seat. Soon the bell rang and the teacher came in. Harry ignored her and thought about what Josh said. 

What if he was the one who sent me those notes?

It was possible. Josh had a reputation for being the most homophobic in the school and for indirectly kicking all the "homos" out of the school. 

I shouldn't be scared. The worst he would do is to kick me and Louis out.

Harry wasn't going to let that happen, but he was still scared. 

Soon the class ended and the teacher dismissed them. Harry was still thinking and Josh shoved him. Harry glared at him, but Josh pretended he didn't see it and laughed and walked away.

"What a douche." Harry turned and saw Nick. He smiled and walked over to him.

"Hey Nick. And yeah but once a douche always a douche." Harry said with a shrug and Nick laughed and patted his back. 

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