Chapter 28

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Louis had called Zayn, Liam, and Niall to meet him in the field outside at lunch. The 3 boys questioned him, but he was silent about it. 

At lunch, they were surprised to see Louis alone without Harry as they took out their lunches. 

"Why isn't Harry here?" Zayn asked, looking around for his best friend. Louis took a bite out of his sandwich and looked at each boy who had the same question. 

"He's in the library, eating. I came here to tell you that we broke up." Louis said with no emotion in his voice. Liam, Zayn, and Niall had shocked expressions on their faces. 

"What?" Liam whispered in astonishment. Louis smirked and started laughing. Zayn-who was already furious- stood up and shoved Louis. 

"What the hell!? You are laughing and you're not even upset about this whole fucking break up? How does Harry feel about this? He's probably crying and I am such a bad friend to not even be there for him!" Zayn spat angrily. He was even more angry that Louis hadn't even stopped smiling. 

"Zayn, please sit down and stop jumping to conclusions." Louis said. Zayn scoffed, but saw Liam giving him a just-do-what-he-says look so he sat down with his arms crossed .

"Okay so we didn't actually break up, but please don't yell at me! Harry should have done this, anyways we are pretending to break up." Louis said.

"Why would you need to pretend? I mean no one really knows you guys are together expect us and your families." Niall said. Liam nodded in agreement, but Zayn stayed quiet. 

"And the blackmailer." Louis pointed out, "he's been trying to separate us and he even made it to our date! Niall remember when Harry came crying to your house? Well-" 

"Hold on." Zayn interrupted, "Harry was crying? And to you?" He said, looking at Niall. 

"Zayn I know what you're thinking, but-" Louis started. 

"No, you know what? Fuck this. I don't want to be a part of this shit plan or whatever because my own best mate, who probably doesn't even consider me one, won't tell me what's going on in his life and all this blackmailing crap is going on and I just can't wrap my head around this all!" Zayn said angrily. 

"Babe, at least listen to what he has to say." Liam said. 

"No Liam. This all started when Harry started dating Louis!" Zayn yelled, standing up and getting his lunch along with Liam and Niall. 

"Wait! Zayn you can't start blaming our relationship." Louis said.

"Oh yeah? Watch me! Its all because of your guys' shitty relationship and Harry shouldn't have been dating you in the first place!" Zayn screamed, not even thinking of what he was saying.

"What the fuck Zayn! You have no right to call our relationship names! You know what? Just go. Harry was hoping that you would help since he's happy with me and he wants his best mate to help him fix all of this." Louis said, anger starting to build inside him. 

Zayn didn't listen and stormed off. Liam sighed and buried his face in his hands. 

"I'm sorry Louis. I'll talk to him later. Please say what you had to." Liam said. Louis was about to object, but he knew this was important. They took a seat on the grass and Liam and Niall looked at Louis, patiently waiting for him to start.

"So you guys know about the blackmailer right? Well Harry and I pretended to break up. I know we did this before and it all failed, but I think this might just work. We are going to act like we hate each other. We're going to glare at each other in the hallways and purposely bump into each other in the hallways." Louis explained. 

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