Chapter 24

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Louis and Harry were spending hours talking and just being together. The pizza place was almost closing, but the pair didn't notice. They were so focused on each other that they didn't notice Jack putting the bill on the table. 

"Um, excuse me?" 

The two looked up at Jack, startled because they didn't hear him enter. "This is your bill and also this came in for you two." He pulled out a bottle of whisky. Louis looked at the bottle with confused eyes, "Who sent it?" 

"Don't know." He shrugged, "the bottle arrived with a note saying it was for you." 

"It's probably from Liam." Harry said. Jack poured the whisky in their empty cups and left, leaving them alone once again. 

"Lou, you can have mine. We need someone fully sober to drive." Harry pointed out. Louis didn't say anything and took a long sip on the drink. 

"Its good. Although it seems pretty expensive. I'm gonna have to thank Liam on Monday." Louis said, taking another sip. 

"Careful. You don't want to get too drunk that I would have to carry you to bed." Harry said. 

Louis chuckled, "I wouldn't mind that." Harry rolled his eyes and ate some of the bread sticks even though he was already full. 

Minutes later, Louis was already drunk. He had finished four glasses of the whisky. 

Guess I'm gonna have to carry him to bed. Harry thought to himself. 

"Haazzzzaaaa, I need to use the loooeyy." Louis slurred. Harry sighed and stood up to help Louis who swatted his hands away.

"No! M' a big boy now." Louis said childishly as he tried to stand up. Almost tripping. Harry tried to not laugh, but couldn't help it. Louis pouted. "Don't laugh!" 

He walked out with Harry following and when he realized that the younger boy was following he stopped and turned around, putting his hands on his waist. 

"Don't follow me Harold." He walked off, tumbling a bit and finally made it to the bathroom. Louis opened the door and made it to the toilet, clumsily. He felt queasy and held his head. Suddenly, he leaned down and threw up in the toilet. 

"Oh god." He groaned and threw up. 

The bathroom door opened but Louis didn't notice and kept on puking in the toilet. The figure came up to him and tapped his shoulder causing him to look up. He looked at the person in confusion. 

"Why are you here?" He asked. The person laughed coldly, "Dinner. Here, have some mint. Wash your mouth and take this. M' pretty sure you want to kiss your boyfriend." He said. Louis looked at him in a shocked expression.

"H-how did you know?" He said. The person laughed again, "That doesn't matter. I won't tell anyone. Take the mint." Louis took the mint from the figure's hand and eyed it. 

"I'm surprised you wouldn't tell. Knowing your reputation. Thanks anyways." Louis said, his conscience becoming clear. 

"No problem. Now you should probably get back to your boyfriend." He said. Louis nodded and stood up, washing his mouth and taking the mint in his mouth and walked out. 

The figure laughed even louder once the door was closed, "Louis, Louis, Louis. Haven't you heard the saying? Never take candy from a stranger." 


"Hazzzaaaaaa." Louis whined, pulling on his boyfriend's sleeve. Harry was driving them home since Louis was too high. A little too much? Harry clearly remembered that Louis had 2 glasses of wine and a couple glasses of the whisky. He even asked Jack for lemon juice to sober him up a bit but for some reason it didn't work and he was as high as ever. He was even screaming outside of the pizza place that he wanted a kiss. 

"Louis, we're almost home. Please stop pulling on my sleeve I need to focus." Harry said. Louis didn't comply and pulled on his sleeve even more rougher. He even took off his seat belts. In the UK they didn't need seat belts, but Harry put them on Louis for safety measures. 

"Louis please put your seat belts back on." Harry pleaded. 

"No!" Louis said childishly, "i wanna kissy." He puckered his lips. Harry sighed and pulled on the side of the road and pecked Louis' lips. 

"Haazzzzaa that wasn't a kissy! I wanna proper one." He puckered his lips once more. Harry took his seat belts off and leaned forward and rested his lips onto Louis' moving them a bit. He could vividly taste the alcohol. Before he could pull back, Louis gripped onto his waist and slipped his tongue into Harry's mouth. 

This was not Harry's most favorite kiss, but it was with Louis. Harry slipped from Louis' grip and pulled back, panting and wiping his mouth. Louis had this accomplished smile on his face and leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes, not saying another word. 

Harry didn't say anything either and drove once back and having this weird feelings in his stomach. Although it could have been the wine. Something wasn't right. 

When Harry reached his home. he noticed that all the lights were off. His mum was probably asleep. He went to the passenger seat and pulled Louis out of the car. The older boy stirred in his sleep, but didn't wake. 

Harry picked Louis up, bridal style, and carried him to the house. Luckily, Louis was light so it was easier. Careful not the wake the sleeping boy, he quietly carried him upstairs and into his room. He layed him onto his bed and to his surprise, Louis didn't even wake up. He figured that Louis would be uncomfortable in his jeans and suit so he stripped the older boy out of them. 

There's nothing he hasn't seen before? Once Louis was in his boxers, he got out of his clothes and set them aside. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then came back. Louis was still asleep. 

Such a deep sleeper.  Harry thought to himself. He felt bad because Louis would wake up with a massive hangover. But being the good boyfriend he is, Harry planned on waking extra early to make him a nice breakfast. 

Harry made his way under the sheets and felt Louis cuddle up to him. Harry smiled at his sleeping figure and kissed his cheeks and wrapped his arms around Louis' waist. He could hear Louis sigh into his shoulder making him smile even more.  

I'm so lucky. Harry thought before falling into a peaceful and deep sleep. 

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So what did you think of this chapter? It got really fluffy in the end didn't it? Haha. Also there's going to be loads of drama towards the next chapter! Just a warning :) 

Also... I want to talk about all this Zouis smoking a joint and crap. I think that they can do what they want because I know they are safe and know what's best. Plus they are adults. We can't really control anything to be honest. I'm also kinda disappointed but I understand that they're on a lot of pressure and need to relax. And we shouldn't leave the fandom cause of that. 

Also the most important thing ever... NIALL'S CHARITY MATCH!!! :D That is more important than the drama because he raised so much money for Irish autism and he deserves the spotlight. Niall is such a sweetheart and I feel bad that everyone turned their attention towards Zouis and crap. Niall is the most nicest and kindest person out there and deserves loads of love. #NiallIsBest should be trending not #CutForZouis 

Vote and Comment for this chapter! Love you guys! xxxxx

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