Chapter 17

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School had ended and Harry was waiting for his boyfriend in the back of the library. The only person there was him since the librarian went out for a break and she trusted Harry. The younger boy waited impatiently for Louis and checked his watch every 2 minutes.  

Soon the doors of the library opened, revealing the feather-haired boy. Harry was in the back so he couldn't see who it was. 

"Harry?" Louis whispered loudly. 

Harry looked around in the back to see if Louis was there, but couldn't find him.

"Louis!" Harry whispered as loudly. The older boy walked to the back and soon he found himself embracing his boyfriend. Louis chuckled softly and kissed Harry's forehead. 

"I thought you forgot." Harry mumbled in Louis' neck. 

"That will never happen. You are too important to forget about." Louis said. He pulled out of the embrace and cupped Harry and kissed his nose gently and then his cheeks. Harry had this eyes closed, feeling Louis' lips. Louis held Harry's waist and kissed his lips. The kiss turned heated as Harry gripped Louis' neck and made the kiss deeper. Harry moaned as Louis slipped his tongue in his mouth. Louis roamed around Harry's mouth, exploring every part. Soon they pulled away and panted. 

"That was the best make out session we've ever had." Louis said, catching his breath. Harry nodded and smiled. 

"When is the librarian coming back?" Louis asked.

"In half an hour." Harry said. Louis checked his watch and went to the window. 

"I'm gonna go to the field and kick a football for a bit." Louis said. He saw Harry pout and pecked his lips. 

"Only for 10 minutes. The person is probably here still and if he finds both of us gone then something would be suspicious." Louis said and Harry nodded in understanding.

"Come back quick though." Harry said as he took out a book from his bag and flipped to the page where his book mark was at. Louis eyed the book mark and saw that it was a picture of their first selfie together. He smiled in memory of that day. 


"Louu" Harry whined, tugging his boyfriend's jacket. Louis was currently finishing up an essay for English and Harry was whining the whole time.

"What is it Harry?" Louis asked. 

Harry pouted and took out his phone, "Lets take a selfie!" 

Louis arched his eyebrows and gave Harry the are-you-serious look, "Harry only girls take selfies." 

Harry frowned, but went to the camera in his phone, "Louis, couple selfies!" 

Lous rolled his eyes at Harry's childishness. He could hardly believe that this was the boy who topped on their first time. 

"Please Lou. For me." Harry pouted even more and Louis knew that he couldn't say no to that face. 

"Fine only a couple though."  

Harry grinned and positioned the camera in front of them.

"One two.." The first picture was a normal one and the second one was of Louis rolling eyes as Harry stuck his tongue out at him. The third one was of them pouting and Louis thought that one was his favorite.

"Last one!" Harry said and positioned the camera. Suddenly Harry grabbed the back of Louis' neck and smashed their lips together and took the picture. Louis blushed and Harry smiled when he looked at the picture.

After School Buddy (Larry Stylinson fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora