I left and went to Emilia and carried her out of the crib but Emme came in to watch.

"Is everything okay hun??" I ask nervously.

"Why was mommy screaming? Did you hurt her??"

"What? No no baby.."

She was far from hurt actually..anyways.

"But mommy's face.."

I sighed and squat down in front of Emme while I was holding Emilia. I didn't think she saw everything but I guess she did. Except for where exactly my hand was. That was covered by her dress.

I touched her arm but she kind of backed up but didn't make it obvious.

"Emme we- I-"

"I don't want you to hurt my mommy" she pouts and starts rubbing her eyes.

"I wasn't hurting her baby. We were just- having fun." I said and she doesn't say anything but stays looking at me. "Couples do it all the time. We were just messing around. I wasn't hurting her. I promise you. I told you this before remember? I'd never hurt your mom..I love her"

She started to look down and cry. I took a deep breath and looked up tryna take in that I'm going to have to explain this to her.

I looked back down at her and sigh. "Emme don't cry.....Why're you crying? .... I didn't hurt her baby.. I'm telling you.. we were just having fun messing around. Things couples do. Even your mom said she was okay... I promise you I'd never hurt your mom. I swear over my life that I'd never hurt her. I'm sorry that you saw that and thought that it was bad but it wasn't..but that's my fault that you saw that. You shouldn't have"

She looks up at my and sniffs.

"Daddy used to hurt mommy so that's why I got scared"

"I know baby..I know. But that's over. Thats why your mom wants to marry me. You think your mom would want to marry someone who hurts her?" I ask and she shakes her head no "exactly..everything is fine Emme.. I'm here to make the both of you forget your past..not bring it back into your life. I just wanna make sure the both of you are happy because I love you guys so much. I know what happened and I don't want you to remember that..so I'm sorry that you thought I was hurting her. I would never do that."

Emme sighs, cries, and hugs me tight. That's a relief. I guess she's okay now.

"Love you Emme..I'm sorry"

"I love you too. It's okay" she says softly. I stood up but she looked up at me and reached her arms out. "I can't babe I'm holding Emilia" I said and she crosses her arms. "What time are we leaving?" "Do you still want me to do your hair? How do you want it?" I asked. "Can you braid it?" She asks me. "Of course! Let's get downstairs because I think everyone's ready and I'll do your hair in the car since we're gonna be late" "okaay" she says and we both go downstairs.

I later explained jen what happened while we are at the party since she was downstairs while it happened. Then she talked to Emme afterwards. Emmes all good now. That was scary though. I don't want Emme to disown me again. I love that girl and I love jen and Emilia and I don't want anything to get in between us. This is the third time that Emme thought I was hurting her mom but I wasn't. She's still traumatized by what happened with her dad but I know she's slowly recovering.
After weeks of deciding when our wedding is gonna be, we finally decided. I'm sooo excited for everything. The dress, the decoration, the theme, and especially how cute Emme and Sofia would look when they're the flower girls. I know Emme really wanted to do that.. be a flower girl.

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