Chapter 36 (Finale)

Start from the beginning

Sarah screams, "Look out!"

It is a second too late, as Top dollar drives his sword right through Erica's abdomen. She grunts and growls then falls on her backside on the roof. The rain is like sheets, the thunder and lightning continue above them.

She manages to lean against a chimney, Top dollar puts the blade near Erica's throat, then bends down to speak, his hair dripping wet, "Nothing goes on in this City without my say so," sounding nostalgic, "am sorry about what happened to you and your cousin, really I am," sighing, "I didn't tell em to go to your place, it was of their own volition," breathing, "caused an issue or two did that but I soon dealt with it," being honest, "you were within your rights to say no to them, hell, even I didn't know they'd go n do that."

Erica looks up at him, resolve in her eyes and determination etched on her face, "I have something to give you, I don't want it anymore."

Before Top dollar can react, Erica grabs either side of his head, at that second images flash of Shelby's final thirty hours of her life on Earth. Top dollar is shaking, he is unable to escape.

Erica screams at the top of her lungs, she doesn't relinquish her hold on him, "Thirty hours of pain all at once," Top dollar gurgles in pain, Erica continues, "all for you."

Erica and Top dollar are stood up on the roof, pain is written all over Erica's face. As she lets go, Top dollar stumbles, loosing his footing he falls from the roof, his body lands on a gargoyle statue that has big horns, which plunge into his body like a hot knife  through butter. The water that was running clear is now running a murky red.

Erica quickly peers down at the broke body before running to help Sarah. She grabs Sarah and despite the pain she is in, hauls Sarah up to the roof and safety. Tears run down both of their faces, Sarah embraces Erica and Erica wraps her arms around Sarah.

Sarah tells Erica to lean on her as they descend the steps.

Both girls see Holt still slumped against a wall, Erica turns to Sarah, "Go help him." She gives Sarah a feint smile.

Sarah lets go of Erica and runs to Holt. Erica cradles her wound as she leans against a wall to catch her breath.

Sarah looks Holt up and down, "You alive?" She asks timidly.

Holt laughs a little, "Maybe." He then looks towards Erica.

Erica joins them, Holt offers Erica a cigarette, she gladly takes it, lights it up, takes a drag and says with a hint of sarcasm, "These things'll kill you." She winks as she hands the cigarette to Holt.

Holt takes it, takes one drag and spits it out in disgust, "Ugh, they're horrible, I quit as of today."

Erica's voice is sincere as she looks at Holt, "Thank you for being there for Shelby, your memories saved me."

Holt can only offer a sincere smile at Erica.

In the distance sirens can be heard and they're getting closer.

Erica is aware of this and so stands up, looking first at Holt then at Sarah, "Stay with him until help arrives."

Sarah nods and Erica vanishes, Sarah calls out, "Erica." But there is no answer.

Holt grins, "She does that a lot."

Paramedics and Police arrive on scene, even Holt's boss is there. Holt is put onto a stretcher and Sarah follows it to the ambulance.

"You're gonna be okay right?" Sarah enquires.

"Yeah, I should be." Holt grins.

But his smile drops seeing his boss walk right up to him, "What in the hell happened?"

Holt breathes, grabs a hold of his bosses shirt and pulls him close, "They had enough of one another, a gun fight took place, I heard the gun shots, I went to make arrests, they resisted."

Holt lets go as he is wheeled into the back of the ambulance. His boss stands there silent.

Erica has made it back to the cemetery, she touches Shelby's headstone, leans her head against it, "It's over cuz, it's over." She closes her eyes, exhaustion taking over.

The storm has passed over, though the ground is exceptionally wet.

A sudden gust of wind picks up in the cemetery, leaves are being blown around but all seems quiet. A woman with long dark blonde hair appears and is walking towards Erica, she is wearing a flowing white dress, she wears a smile upon her face.

As she approaches, Erica's eyes open slowly, soon as she sees Shelby, tears come crashing down her cheeks. Shelby bends down and touches her face and smiles at Erica with such intensity.

"I've missed you." Erica's voice is raw with emotion.

"Now we will be together," Shelby offers her hand, "home."

We now open up on Eric and Shelby's graves, they are neat and tidy, red sirens can be seen reflected from near by, all is calm, all is settled.

The crow flies into the cemetery and lands on Erica's headstone, it is waiting for someone.

Sarah enters the graveyard a slight smile upon her face, she heads straight fro the crow, as Sarah offers out her hand, the crow drops the charm bracelet into her hand.

Sarah offers the crow a smile, "Thanks."

She turns around and heads out of the cemetery. The crow caws once before flying away.

Sarah's voice, "If people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them. Buildings burn, people die, but real love is forever."


PS Wow, I am an emotional wreck now, as this closes another chapter in my life, I have loved every minute of working on this, thank you, thank you all for sharing this journey with me <3

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