Chapter 4

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Narrator/voice over – "When things go wrong in our lives, we have two choices – one we give up, wither away and become some forgotten memory. Or two – we grow stronger, we learn, we evolve and move on. Buildings burn, lives are decimated but still we forge on.

In a rough part of town TinTin enters Gideon's pawn shop, hoping to pawn some goods for cash. The shop is dimly lit up, most of the light is coming from the streetlight and an overhead light that flickers.

Gideon stands behind a display case which is around hip height, a cigar in his mouth counting money. Soon as he sees TinTin he swiftly puts the money away, "What?" Gideon asks still with the cigar in his mouth.

TinTin produces various items from his pocket, putting them on the counter he looks at Gideon, "How much for these?"

Looking at the items in disdain Gideon wrinkles up his nose before looking TinTin square in the eyes, "For that shit," shrugging, "thirty bucks."

"The fuck?" TinTin exclaims in shock, "gotta be worth more than that."

"No fuckin' way," Gideon's gravelled voice replies, "it's all fuckin' junk, be lucky to get thirty bucks for the lot."

TinTin obviously frustrated sighs loudly, "You just fuckin' me over," pointing at Gideon, "fat fuckin' turd."

Gideon laughs, "Really?" Taking the cigar out of his mouth, "please, heard that shit before you punk."

TinTin growls but stays silent, thinking over the offer.

"So, you taking the offer or not?" Gideon asks after a few moments of silence.

He huffs, "Yeah I'll take your dumb ass offer," holding his hand out, "just gimme the damn money."

Gideon hands him thirty bucks, takes the stuff and smiles an evil grin.

TinTin turns around heading for the door, as he gets to the door, he turns to look at Gideon, TinTin points his knife at him, "You just some fat fucked up rapist."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," whispering under his breath, "fuckin' drug addicted no brain mother fucker."

With one last look, TinTin exits the shop back onto the rainy street.

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