Chapter 23

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Sarah is stood outside the now abandoned apartment building staring upwards.

Skateboard in hand she makes her way towards the boarded up entrance, placing the skateboard down she pries at the boards, once off Sarah enters the building with her skateboard tucked under her arm. Thunder can be heard rumbling outside.

Making her way into the entrance area, she looks around in wonder and sadness, then heads for the stairs that lead up.

In an apartment in the building there's a small fire going, within the flames are three photos, the photos are of cousin's Erica and Shelby, Erica can be heard breathing, a kind of sadness hangs over the apartment. Erica places a photo of herself into the flames, allowing them to eat it hungrily.

FLASHBACK - Erica is sat in the apartment practicing on her guitar, Hades the cat walks by her. Then there are a few quick flashes of Erica and Shelby, they're practicing, hanging out and generally having fun.

Back to reality and the flames are alight as they eat the photos.
We back up a few paces, seeing Erica sat near the fire staring at a photo of herself and Shelby.

FLASHBACK - The day Erica and Shelby receive a letter from a record company who are interested in signing them up. The delight on their faces isn't hard to miss.

Present day -  In the once occupied apartment Erica stares longingly at the photo, tears spill from her eyes both in anger and sadness, as she cries she tears up the photo allowing the flames to destroy it.

At a wide angle we can see the apartment, it has blackened walls, a few rays of light from outside filter in through the window, Erica throws a letter onto the fire.

Somehow alerted, Erica looks towards the apartment door.

Sarah is climbing the last flight of stairs, she reaches the top and looks at the apartment door for a moment before pushing it open and entering. Pieces of paper are strewn about the floor, Sarah looks around the apartment a little more.

"Erica," Sarah calls before sighing and talking to herself, "Sarah, you've gone crazy."

Hades the fluffy white cat comes into Sarah's line of sight, "Hades." Sarah smiles before walking over and picking him up, the cat purrs.

Sarah starts petting the cat, her eyes look over towards the fireplace where she sees smoke rising from it. Continuing to pet the cat she walks over to the fireplace and with one hand picks up something on the edge of the fireplace, Sarah inspects it. It is a photo of Erica and Shelby smiling at one another brightly. She allows the photo to drop from her grasp and lets the cat down.

"Knew it was you," Sarah softly says as she takes a few steps around the apartment, "even with the make-up," she looks upwards before heading towards what was Erica's bedroom, sighing she looks in, "I remembered your song," Hades purrs at her feet, "you said," staring to walk around, "it can't rain all the time," slight hesitation, "that is from your song, right?"

At that moment the crow flies in, caws once before perching on a pipe in the apartment.

Sarah's eyes search for any sign of Erica, sighing she calls out softly, "Erica, I know you're here," sounding sad, "I miss you," a slight pause, "and Shelby," she looks down and sounds forlorn, "I get lonely all by myself."

For a long moment Sarah stares at the round window, feeling frustrated she shouts out, "To hell with you," scooping up her skateboard, "I thought you cared."

As Sarah approaches the door to the apartment, the slowly sinking sun shines in through the round window, causing shards of burning bright red and gold to enter the apartment, lighting up Sarah's path, she see's Erica's shadow on the wall next to the door.

"Sarah," Erica's soft voice echoes in the apartment, she stands just in front of the round window encased in light, "I do care."

A close- up on Sarah reveals her happy smile, dropping the skateboard she starts towards Erica who kneels and opens her arms wide. Sarah embraces Erica, wrapping her arms around Erica's shoulders. Embracing, these two souls are united, Erica gently strokes Sarah's hair and tears begin to run down Sarah's face but these tears are tears of joy.

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