Chapter 24

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We open in Top Dollar's meeting room, lots of little windows allow light to filter through, there is a long meeting table with chairs equally spaced out.

Skank is pointing at a black and white photo, to be precise he is pointing at someone in the photo, "That's her," he wails, "that's her but she was different," he can't seem to stay still, "she had make-up on." He continues limping around.

Top dollar is sat at the head of the table with Jonah stood to his right, Top dollar simply nods.

Skank grabs the bottle of whiskey from the table and starts guzzling it, after a moment he puts it down, "Here's to you T-bird," picks up alcohol and takes another swig, "fire it up, fire it up," he chants as he stamps his feet, "fire it up," sounding worn out, "fire it up."

Top dollar speaks quietly but with sarcasm to Jonah, "Maybe we should film this and watch it later," looking at Jonah, "so, did you see the grave?"

Jonah replies as he pushes up his glasses, "Empty."

Skank upon hearing this looks directly at them, "Grave? What grave?" He heads for Jonah then shoves him, "What about my fuckin' grave?" Panic is evident in his voice.

Jonah responds by pushing Skank so hard he stumbles backwards, without looking at top dollar he speaks, "Three out of four," sighing, "working her way back to this asshole here." Looking at Skank.

Skank becomes hysterical, wildness, fear spread across his face like lightning, Top dollar rises from his chair, walks over to Skank and hits him hard across the face, Jonah then grabs Skank and hauls him into the chair Top dollar had been occupying.

Top dollar's sister/lover walks into the room, she stands there surveying the scene before her.

Top dollar grabs Skank by the chin and tries reassuring him, "There ain't no ghosts." He back away from Skank.

His sister/lover whispers something in his ear about people arriving, he nods in response, "I'll be right there," looking at Jonah, "watch him, we might need him."

Jonah sits on the table directly facing Skank, his eyes do not move.

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