Chapter 7

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Sarah feels miserable as she sits on a stool at the bar, the man in charge behind the bar puts down the glass he's cleaning and simply smiles at Sarah before getting to work making a drink.

The bar is dimly lit, old chairs and tables are sparsely sprawled across a worn-out floor, the bar area is brighter and more appealing. Music drifts out of a Jukebox in the far-left corner of the bar.

Daz the older barman who oversees the bar presents Sarah with a root beer float, "There ya go."

Sarah places a five-dollar bill on the counter and gently slides it over towards Daz's hand.

"Sarah," he smiles, "it's on the house, you know that," Daz sees Darla and fun-boy, both seem pretty high, Darla sloppily slings her arm around fun-boy's waist.

Sarah takes a quick look but quickly turns around sighing loudly looking into her root beer float.

Daz places his hand gently on Sarah's hand, placing the towel over his right shoulder, "Your mom, she's ill, maybe even lost but," lowering his voice, "she should be taking care of you, not acting like she doesn't have a child."

Sarah takes a sip, "It's always the same."

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