Chapter three

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In a bar down some back street, TinTin, T-bird, Funboy and Skank were sitting around a table with several shots of whiskey in front of them. Darla walks by, Funboy slaps her backside followed by pulling her down for a kiss. Music is barely audible in the background.

Skanks starts dancing and singing, "Funboy kissin' Darla," stamping his feet to the beat, "shaggin' Darla later won't ya?"

The others roll their eyes as Darla gets to her feet and slowly walks away.

TinTin has a bullet placed between his finger and thumb, placing it on his tongue he shows everyone before picking up a shot of whiskey. Taking the drink into his mouth, he swallows both the alcohol and bullet, then lights a cigarette.

"Pussy." Shouts Skank to TinTin.

TinTin who is rather intoxicated and infuriated at the remark pulls his gun out and points it straight at Skank, "Mother fuckin' pussy," his eyes flare with rage, "how 'bout we see if this thing is fuckin' loaded."

This in turn makes Skank pull out his gun and point it at TinTin. This makes Funboy pull out his gun and aim it at TinTin, "Let's fuckin' see." His words are a dare to TinTin and Skank.

T-Bird sighs before standing up, pulling out two guns, one pointed at TinTin, the other pointed towards Funboy. With a cigarette in his mouth he says calmly, "Which one of you mother fuckers wants to see if these ain't loaded?"

T-Bird smiles at the other three, takes the cigarette out of his mouth and proceeds to put it out on his tongue, to which Funboy laughs hysterically, "You are one sick fucker."

The four of them put their guns away, laugh loudly and begin chanting, "Fire it up, fire it up."

Erica feels frustrated, so much so she launches herself out of the round window, holding onto the top of the window frame she swings out, swings back in letting go of the frame, bending her knees she lands swiftly and without making a sound.

Breathing out she stands up looking down at her hands. She never felt the pain of the glass as it ate into her hands, as she continues staring the wounds heal and close. Staring at the crow, he lands upon her shoulder. In that instant, she understands why she is back, the power she holds and her link to the crow.

Taking a quick look around the apartment Erica sees what looks like face paint in black and white, sitting the dresser, "Time I put on my mask," starting to apply the white face paint, "we all wear masks, mine happens to be death."

About fifteen minutes later her face paint is almost complete, opening a dresser drawer she finds the finishing touch – black lipstick. Applying it with ease and grace she smiles darkly at her shattered reflection.

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