Chapter 29

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Top dollar stares at Erica, "So, you're her huh?" He is stood at the far end of the table.

All the men have guns pointing at Erica, she never moves nor flinches.

Top dollar continues talking, "The killer of killers."

From Erica's viewpoint we see Jonah holding Skank, Top dollar leaning on the top of a chair and his sister/lover to the right of him.

"Nice outfit," Top dollars voice hints towards sarcasm, "Not sure about the face paint though." He points a finger towards Erica.

Erica points a shaking finger towards Skank, "I just want HIM!"

Cut to Skank going wild as Jonah keeps restraining him.

Top dollar looks over at Jonah before looking back at Erica, "You can't have him." There is a taunting look on his face.

A few laughs erupt from the men sat down.

"Well," Erica smiles deviously before standing up on the table, "I see you've made your choice." Stares at Top dollar.

Top dollar raises an eyebrow.

Erica begins raising her arms, "Let's see you enforce it." A dark tone to her voice.

Top dollars grainy voice replies, "She's boring the shit outta me," he turns away, "kill her."

A few guns are being cocked, followed by opening fire all at once. Erica takes hit after hit and slowly falls backwards off the table onto the floor.

Top dollar laughs, "Oooooo," smiling wide, "bet that hurt."

All the people in the room start laughing.

A young guy with slick blonde hair stands up to go and inspect the body, when he gets there, no sign of the body is to be seen. In the corner of the room the crow watches on, the sister sees the crow and tries catching it, without success, the crow caws and flies off.

"She's gone." The guy with the slick blonde hair says as he looks at the floor confused, then looks at Top dollar.

Without warning a bullet comes out of a barrel and goes straight through the blonde haired mans head, his body falls to the floor, dead.

This makes the rest of them nervous, as they push back on their chairs another guy is taken out by a mystery bullet, as his body falls to the floor his gun fires.

Skank is screaming in hysterics by this point, his eyes are bloodshot, and his face wears a terrible expression.

Some of the men fire shots under the table, too late as Erica appears at the far end of the table a gun in each hand, the men are fumbling with their weapons, Erica takes this opportunity and open fire on them.

Jonah immediately let's go of Skank and grabs Top dollar who grabs his sister/lover, they're slowly making their way out of the meeting room.

Bottles of wine and whiskey are being destroyed by the bullets being fired, Skank can be seen half wailing in a corner of the room as he watches the massacre unfold before him. He knows death is coming for him.

Some bullets hit Erica, she rolls on the floor and opens fire on peoples' legs before once again standing up and continuing to fire.

Glass is flying everywhere, and the sounds are ricocheting off the walls.

Skank spies an innocent woman and grabs her, using her as a shield and a possible hostage.

"Shit, she's gonna kill me." Skank shouts as he pushes the woman into Erica.

The Crow Re-seen COMPLETEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora