Chapter 26

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We're on the roof of the now abandoned apartment block. The sun is a blinding golden colour sending its golden rays everywhere, it is about an hour or so from setting.

An electric guitar can be heard being played. It's melody drifts on the breeze.

As we move closer, it is Erica who is playing chords/tune on the guitar, just like she used to when she was alive, when music was her existence, her passion, her way of making sense of the world.

She seems to be enjoying being able to play guitar once again, she speeds up the melody and it sounds magnificent against the backdrop of the sun. The Crow is watching her.

Erica seems to be getting more and more angry, until, she gets hold of the neck of the guitar and starts smashing it against the speaker/amplifier, she continues ploughing it into the speaker/amplifier until she flings it away from her. All those dreams, all that potential, taken away from her just when things were turning round for the best, she stands there, facing the sun, not knowing what to do.

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