Chapter 36 (Finale)

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Sarah continues to struggle against her bindings, just as Top dollar reaches the top of the stairs.

Top dollar hands Selina a gun and then pulls her in for one last passionate kiss.

Little bits of light cast their shadows within the church and the storm is gathering momentum outside.

Holt reaches the bottom of the steps with Erica right behind him, Holt stares upwards.

He ascends the stairs gun at the ready, Selina sees him and fires a shot, Holt replies by firing a return shot, Selina ducks then fires a shot which hits Holt just below the left shoulder. He slumps to the floor in agony.

Erica reaches him at speed and kneels down giving Holt a serious look, "I told you to stay behind me."

Holt replies still in pain, "I messed up." He breathes deeply.

Erica looks at him for a split second, "Stay there." She stands up offering him a weak smile before starting up the stairs towards danger.

Around three quarters of the way up, Erica comes face to face with Selina who has a gun aimed at the crow.

Selina's voice echoes, "This is all the power you ever had," she flashes an evil smile, "now it is mine."

Erica looks at her with anger etched across her features.

The crow takes it's opportunity as its captor is distracted, managing to escape, the crow begins to peck out Selina's eyes, she screams and stumbles, misplacing her foot she slips and begins to fall, somehow she manages to hold onto the bell rope, Erica watches on with intrigue.

The bells start ringing because Selina is on the rope, her hand slips, she screams, her screams can be heard as she hits the church floor.

Holt witnesses the last few feet of Selina's fall and heard the body hit the floor with a sickening thud.

Sarah's voice echoes above the tempest, "Help Erica, I'm scared."

Sarah is exposed on the roof, thunder lightning and rain climax above them, Top dollar holds Sarah really close to the edge of the roof.

Erica walks slowly towards them, rain dripping off her body, her clothes torn and bloodied, she shouts to Top dollar, "Let her go," a slight pause, "You can have me," hands in the air, "I won't fight you." She keeps her eyes on Top dollar.

Top dollar thinks about it for a moment, "Alright." As the words come from his lips he pushes Sarah off the roof.

Sarah screams and Erica shouts painfully, "NO!"

Top dollar takes the chance to punch Erica with all the might he has, Sarah meanwhile manages to grab a hold of something jutting out from the roof of the church.

Top dollar eagerly draws his sword from a holder on his back and grins at Erica. He deals the first blow, Erica dodges the blade and rolls closer to a pole at the far end of the roof.

Top dollar once again goes to strike but Erica bends backwards before kicking his leg out from under him, causing him to temporarily loose balance.

Erica grabs the metal pole just as lightning hits it, she growls and pulls the pole off, just in time to block a blow from Top dollar.

Due to the rain, Sarah's foot slips, causing a small section of the roof to cave in, she squeals in fright.

Erica's panicked voice comes out of the darkness, "Sarah." She gets up and starts running towards Sarah, she then bends down extending her hand.

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