♪-End + Extra-♪

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-Date Night OuuUOuuOuoiuoUo-

Jooheon and Changkyun has been spending their whole day cuddling in bed, talking, catching up until 4 pm. "Hey go get ready." Jooheon commanded while getting up.

Changkyun followed directions and got into something pReTtY hOt iF hE dId sAy sO hImseLf. Once they were both ready they held hands and walked out the house.

"Where are we going." Changkyun asked.

"I don't know." Jooheon played around. 

"Joonie!!" Changkyun smacked his arm.

"Hmmmm I wonder. Where did my Changkyunnie want to go with me but couldn't. HMmmMmmM" (I watch pewds so I find this amusing lol) Jooheon kept messing with Changkyun.

"Fine." Changkyun slumped like a toddler causing Jooheon to awe and pinch his cheek.


"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Are we there yet?"
"Omg Changkyun I will break your jaw."
"Dang I love this date already." Changkyun remarked sarcastically.
Jooheon sighed nervously.

"Hey I'm sorry I was just messing with you..." Changkyun hesitatingly rested his hand on Jooheons thigh. (heheheheeh)
"It's not that, I just feel sick.." Jooheon lied.


Once they got close to their destination Jooheon pulled over and tied a band around Changkyuns eyes.

"It's a surprise." Jooheon said.


5 minutes later the couple pulled up to the place where they had went to when Jooheon was telling Changkyun he had to leave; The beach.

Jooheon Parked the car and ran onto the sand. He quickly set up an umbrella, a blanket, lunch, and even brought sandals so they could walk in the sand and watch the sun set.

Then he ran to the car and guided Changkyun to the sand. Changkyun nervously wobbled his way to when Jooheon brought him to and sat down.

Jooheon sat down beside Changkyun and took the blindfold off.

Changkyun blinked a few times then looked around and a wide smile spread across his face."the beach.." he said happily.

"Yep. Hope it's not boring." Jooheon fidgeted with his fingers.

"When did you become so nervous?.." Changkyun asked.

"I'll tell you later. Let's just eat, the sun is about to set." Jooheon said taking out sandwich's and juice boxes.


Once the sun lowered down to the horizon line Jooheon asked Changkyun to help him pack everything.

They put the stuff in the car and Jooheon and Changkyun put their sandals on.

☁︎My Dark Place☁︎ Jookyun ff Where stories live. Discover now