♪-Jooheons Plan-♪

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♦︎Next Morning♦︎

It was 4:50AM. Jooheon was walking with his eyes closed but he WAS going to expose Changkyun. He printed plenty of copies of the screenshots out and wrote hateful comments.

"No one loves you"
"Your adopted"
"Kill Yourself"
"Gay loner"

Jooheon knew he would break when he saw these. He got dressed and walked towards the school. With his 'skillful' hacking intelligence, he hacked into school files and found the code the the back door, and the code to turn cameras off. He was going to go all out.


Once he made it to their plain school he looked around. It was all white with dark blue accents, so it was easy to spot doors. He walked around the school and put the code '70852' into the lock. He opens the door and walks to the security room.

"You got this Jooheon your almost there"

He makes into into the dark room and goes into the computer and shuts every camera off.

"Time to start putting these everywhere, and remember to cover his locker in them"

After an hour Jooheon had used all of the papers he printed. He proudly smirks. "Can't wait" he whispers and exits the scene.


⇔School Time⇔

Changkyun is sleepingly walking over to school in his oversized black sweater. His hair is like it has always been, and his adorable chubby cheeks were a little more chubby this morning. Changkyun stepped foot on Satan's hous- School. As he walks around people look at him and silently watch him walk to his locker.

He just stares at it. No reaction, no emotion. Everyone watches as he looks down, then he looks up and everyone turns and pretends they weren't staring. Changkyun spots Jooheon with his evil 'I won' smirk. He looks away and goes towards the bathroom.

"Ouuu looks like the water show is going to start" Jooheon says to his friend, Hoseok.
"Yo I have an idea" Hoseok chuckles.
"Hurry up, I need to see these tears"
"You said he's gay right, Well, try to seduce him"
"Ew why me"
"It will be funny when you break his heart after~ come on just do it" Hoseok nudges Jooheon.
".......fine, just because I want to see him cry again"
"K I'll buy you any food you want for a month"
"Deal" Jooheon runs after Changkyun.

"How will I make him fall for me after that"

Jooheon watches Changkyun walk into a stall. Right before Changkyun can close the door, Jooheon blocks the door with his hand and walks in.

"Go away!!" Changkyun says extremely angry.
"Why? I'm here to comfort you, you should be thankful"
"I don't want you here, SO LEAVE"
Jooheon caresses Changkyuns cheek. "But I want to be with you" he whispers.

Changkyun backs up until he's against the wall.

What is this guy doing!

"I-I don't want you go away creep" Changkyun tries to push Jooheon away but he's trapped against the hard wall.
"Come On, don't you want to have fun" Jooheon pushes his body against Changkyun so he's squished onto the wall.
"No! Jooheon get off me!" Changkyun whimpers, he can feel all his scars.

☁︎My Dark Place☁︎ Jookyun ff Where stories live. Discover now