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"Oh. My. Gosh." Changkyun looked at the thing next to Jooheon in awe.


"Surprise!!!" Jooheon smiled.

"Is that yours?!!!!" Changkyun touched the sides gently.

"It's ours." Jooheon backhugged Changkyun.

"You know how to drive?!" (A/N eheheh did u think that I wouldn't have told u💀)

"Yuuuup. Now get in we're going out." Jooheon ran over to the drivers seat.

Changkyun got in and they drove to some far away beach side with lots of malls around it.


"Woaaaaah Jooheon, I didn't you were such a simple guy." Changkyun chuckled.

"For you I can be." Jooheon put his hand over Changkyuns and winked.

Thy both stepped out the car and changkyuns legs pulled him towards the beach, but Jooheon pulled him to the malls.

"Lunch first!" Jooheon demanded.

"..." Changkyun just followed not arguing.


Thy walked into a fancy restaurant and got sat down. Jooheon sat on the opposite side of the booth so they can look at each other.

Changkyun was flipping through the menu when the waiter came.

"Can I get you boys any drinks?"
"A water please." Changkyun said.
"Water for me too." Jooheon added.
"Okay. We will get your orders soon." The waiter walked away and got drinks.

"I think I'll get the Japanese style Udon Stew." Changkyun told Jooheon.

"Okay I will too."


So the drinks came, and their food came later too.

Changkyun began eating and Jooheon looked pretty anxious.

"You okay?"

"Yea but can we talk...?"


Ouf lmao guys I have an announcement 💀

Uhhh so I'm writing ANOTHER book.

It's called prince Jin.

So yeee if u like bts I have 2 other books ❤️

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So yeee if u like bts I have 2 other books ❤️

☁︎My Dark Place☁︎ Jookyun ff Where stories live. Discover now