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☁︎ Monday ☁︎

Changkyun walked over to hel- school to go to the janitors closet.

As he walked in he felt a refreshing feeling. Then he looked at the wall Jooheon hugged him against and he slowly walked up to it.

"I wish Jooheon was that nice" Changkyun thought to himself. Then he smiled while imagining a nice Jooheon. Jooheon was quite attractive, Changkyun thought of him as an adorable baby, until he showed his personality of course.

Changkyun decided to write.


Why do people gotta confuse me. >~< aigoo why do I feel like I need someone next to me right now. It's fine, I have an hour until school starts then I can see Kyunnie 💕 I miss him >_<


Changkyun put his pencil down and sighed. He looked up and saw Jooheon above him.

In shock he scooted backwards.

"Hi" Jooheon said. He threw his backpack on the floor and sat down.
"What are you doing here this is my safe place find your own" Changkyun pouts.
"Your cute when you pout" Jooheon tilts his head and smiles.

Changkyun immediately stops smiling and crosses him arms.

"You act like a toddler" Jooheon giggles.
"I do not!!" Changkyun frowns.
"Your so funny"
"No I'm not!!"
"Oh so then your boring?" Jooheon teases.
"..NO! I'm just....." Changkyun easily gets flustered.
"Let's play a game I'm bored"
"No go away"
"If I leave right now you will be lonely again."
"I'm not leaving"
"Find your own safe room this ones mine"
"I don't see your name on it" Jooheon mocks Changkyun.
Changkyun points to the walls with all the cool graffiti art drawings of him name.
"Oh well...." Jooheon goes silent.

For 10 minutes they are both quiet doing whatever they want. Changkyun texts Kihyun.

Kihyun come save me Jooheons here.

Lol that suxx have fun


Lmao fine


You can't rush beauty

Am I rushing Kim Taehyung NOO so stfu and hurry

I can't argue with u there he's a hot mofo
Anyway see u soon

After Changkyun put his phone down he started to doodle. Jooheon felt bored and wanted to mess with Changkyun. He couldn't be nice for too long, then he'll look gay.

He slowly crawled over to Changkyun.

"What the fuck are you doing weirdo" Changkyun looked at him weirdly.
"I like sitting close to you" (👏🏻cause thats not gay👏🏻)

Jooheon sat down on Changkyuns lap THEN he grabbed his phone from his back pocket.

(Get ready kiddos)

His hand reached for his own back pocket WHILE he was SITTING on Changkyun, so his hand was wandering around near Changkyuns member.

He heard Changkyun breathing get raspy and smirked"

"Get off me please" Changkyun said.
"Why not!!" Changkyun breathed out.
"Cause your lap is squishy like a pillow"

Changkyun just went quiet again. Jooheon finally got his phone and started scrolling through his apps.

He was currently on instagram and scrolling through memes and he chucked at one he thought was funny. Changkyun was curious, what made The Jooheon laugh. He looked over Jooheons shoulder and read a meme. It's was moderately funny so he couldn't keep himself from giggling.

Jooheon looked up "Hey are you watching what I'm looking at?!"
No" Changkyun giggled.
"Jooheon smiled and started tickling Changkyun. "Your laugh is pretty"
Changkyun fell to the floor laughing "S-stop BAHAHA"
Jooheon fell on top of him then they heard a click.

Kihyun walked in and stopped when he got a glance of what was happening. Jooheon was laying on top of Changkyun, if you didn't know what they were doing, it did look extremely weird.

"H-hey Kihyun" Changkyun brushed Jooheon off hi, and sat up.
"First you say you hate him, then you let him on top of you!" Kihyun starts, "if you weren't lonely why did u text me!! Why do you do this to me Changkyun"

Jooheon stepped in "Hey stop jumping to conclusions we weren't doing anything wrong"
"Jooheon shut up will you!!" Kihyun grabs Jooheon by the collar and elbows him in the face.
"YAH!! CAN YOU BOTH STOP!!" Changkyun screams out.
Kihyun let's go of Jooheon and storms out. Jooheons nose starts too bleed and Changkyun runs over to him. "OMO!! I'm sorry I don't know why he's mad!! Oh your loosing blood!! Let me get you tissues!!"

Changkyuns opens a closet in the back of the tiny room and grabs a pile of brown paper towels. "Here" Changkyun squats closely to Jooheon and cups his face. He places the napkin on Jooheons nose and wipes away any blood that got on his face.

Jooheons heart started to beat a little quickly and he smiled at Changkyuns worried look.

"Awww you care for me" He shoved Changkyuns shoulder gently.
"No, I'm just simply helping someone" Changkyun blushed.

Jooheon put his hand on Changkyuns warm cheek. "You're adorable Changkyunnie"

Changkyun looked down. "Stop being nice to me, you will just be mean later today. Stop making me think I actually want to be your friend!" Changkyun frowns.
Jooheon tilts his head sideways in confusion.
"You hugged me the other day, then after that you were a complete douche!" Changkyun whines.
Jooheon stays silent.
Changkyun sighs and puts more paper towels near Jooheon, "I'm going to check on Kihyun."

Jooheon suddenly grabs him. His soft hands wrap around Changkyuns waist quickly. "No."


>:) I'm so nice to my readers.

You guys I got the IPHONE8 it's great. ;)

☁︎My Dark Place☁︎ Jookyun ff Where stories live. Discover now