♪-Full MemberShip ;)-♪

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"F-full membership" Changkyun blushed.

Jooheon nuzzled his cheek against Changkyun while Changkyun took the time to think. Jooheon made him happy and somehow this weird tingly feeling he's never felt before. So why wouldn't he date Jooheon? But Changkyun was just nervous, he didn't want to loose Jooheon if they ever did breakup. He was still very unsure.

"Hmmmm" Jooheon hummed. Changkyun snapped out of his thinking and smiled.

He kissed Jooheons cheek. "Let me think some more, it'll take a few days"

Jooheon whined. He pushed Changkyun down onto the bed and hovered over him. "You little meanie, why you gotta make me wait!" Jooheon forced all his weight onto Changkyun.

"I swear I'll have an answer in the next 48 hours. Changkyun rubbed the back of Jooheons neck sending sensational shivers down Jooheons whole body. Jooheon shivered shaking his body, neck rubs are so relaxing to the boy.

Jooheon shyly smiles showing his pure and innocent dimples and Changkyun muttered "cute"

Jooheon got off Changkyun and lay aside him. Jooheon rested his head on Changkyuns arm and wrapped his arms around the others waist, intertwining his leg with the others.

Changkyun turned his head to face Jooheon and fell into a peaceful slumber. Jooheon tried to clam his heartbeat down as Changkyun gently breathed in and out onto his neck. Sending another chill of pure pleasure spread through his body, chilling all his bones, putting him at ease.


2 hours later Changkyun awoke from his beauty sleep, and found himself cuddling with a sleepy Jooheon.

Changkyun observed Jooheons adorable chubby cheeks, with the deepest of dimples. And his sweet brown eyes, that have never witnessed anything but joy and excitement.

Changkyun watched Jooheons eyes flutter open and him becoming aware of things once again. It was so cute to watch, Changkyuns cheeks turned a deep sparkly red. He scrunched his nose up and smiled.

Jooheon saw Changkyun smiling and brightly blushing and ruffled the boys hard. He brought his thumb down to Changkyuns lips and brushed his thumb against them.

Changkyun blushed and moved Jooheons hand from his lips. "About the dating deal..." Changkyun shyly said.

Jooheon's eyes filled with excitement, fear, and worry at the same time as he listened to Changkyun. "Yes!!?" He said.

"Well...My answer is...yes." Changkyun looked up to see Jooheons reaction. Jooheons face filled with joy and excitement. He happily smashed his lips against Changkyuns.

The kiss went from sweet and simple, to a full make out session. Jooheons and Changkyuns tongues wrestled for dominance. Jooheon won and he slipped his tongue inside Changkyuns mouth.

This time Changkyun wasn't really afraid to make any noises. He carelessly moaned out sounds of pleasure. Jooheons hands slid down to Changkyuns hips and he violently pulled him even closer.

Once they let go of each other and breathed in air, Jooheon jumped around the room.

"BUT" Changkyun said. Jooheon stopped jumping and his facial expression fell "what do you mean! But what!!" He asked worried.

"BUT!! we are still a secret, TO EVERYONE at school!! Got it!!" Changkyun looked at Jooheon practically begging him with his eyes.

"ANNNNIYOOOOO!!(no)WHO WOULD I BRAG TO!!" Jooheon whined and shook Changkyuns arm.

Changkyun blushed, "what would you even brag about?"

"About how cute my boyfriend is, how he's small and precious!! He has the best body!! Oh and and he's hot and sexy!! Oh and his adorable cheeks!! I just wanna bite his chubby cheeks off—" Changkyun sadly touched his cheeks.

He's always been insecure about being chubby, which is why he's always dieting. The boy was actually under weight but in his eyes he was the definition of obesity, just because of a little baby fat here and there.

"Oh I'm sorry Baby, your cheeks are cute chubby though don't worry..ehehaha" Jooheon awkwardly comforted Changkyun.

"I-it's fine..." Changkyun looked up. It wasn't fine, but he couldn't disappoint his lover.

"But *sigh* I guess we could be a secret....as long as I can come here EVERYDAY!!" Jooheon sighed again.

"Yep, come whenever you like" Changkyun and Jooheon shook hands on these circumstances and Jooheon got up and stretched. "Why does it have to be secret I was gonna shove it in people's face" Jooheon muttered and muttered away.

Changkyun giggled "ahh so cute Jooheonnie~" Changkyun smiled.

"YAHH! YOU!! Call me hyung!! You make me date you in secret, you can't call me by my name, simple"

"UGH FINE, JUST COME SLEEP SOME MORE" Changkyun easily have in.

"Yes honey!" Jooheon giggles and got back in bed and napped.....again.


Woahohohhohohohohoho ;)))

Hehe hmu yallz I nred sime new frinds.

I wrote thos earlyer totday so I just had to do the ayuthor note, ;))


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