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-2 days later-

(Hah u thought there was gonna be smut THINK AGAIN lol jk pls don't stop reading my story xoxo)

Changkyun walked around the hallways, heading over to his locker he saw 3 people surrounding Kihyun. Kihyun looked pretty scared and angry, Changkyun got closer and saw that the 3 guys were touching Kihyun.

"YAH!!" He yelled at them and ran closer.

The 3 guys got distracted and Kihyun jumped onto Changkyun whimpering.

"Don't make me hurt you guys" Changkyun said walking away with Kihyun.

Both of them made their way to the janitors closet and Changkyun sat Kihyun down and rubbed his back gently. He wrapped his arms around his shaking friend and comforted him.

"T-thank you Changkyun. You saved me." Kihyun said still pretty terrified.
"Shhhh it's okay, are you okay?"
"I think so"
"Who were those guys"
"They wer-" Kihyun was interrupted by the door to the closet opening.

In walked Jooheon and he stared at the 2 jealousy.

"What the heck is going on here" Jooheon asked, his arms crossed.
"Could you leave please Jooheon." Changkyun bluntly said.
"Please go, meet me at my house after school if you have something to say."
"Fine!" Jooheon marched out the room and closed the door.

Changkyun and Kihyun skipped their classes and stayed In The closet, enjoying the presence of each other. They talked about after their "dating" situation about how they had found someone. Kihyun was really curious about Jooheon and Changkyuns dating life. They talked and talked until it was two hours after school had ended.

"Oh shoot! It's 5:30" Kihyun shouted gathering all his stuff together. Luckily the school wasn't locked because of after school detention. They both ran out the school and started walking.

"Would you like me to walk you home?" Changkyun asked.
"No it's fine. Jooheon must be at your home waiting for you" Kihyun nudged.
"SHIT!!" Changkyun hugged Kihyun bye and ran home.

Kihyun still was in love with Changkyun, but when he was watching Changkyun talk about being with Jooheon he saw a spark in the others eyes. That's when he knew, he just needed time to move on. Yes it would be hard, but he still would be best friends with Changkyun, and that was all Kihyun needed.


Changkyun arrived home and saw Jooheon sitting resting his head on the door whining to himself.

"Aish, see what he makes me do, I'm dumb, I fell for the wrong person, Jooheon this is what you want to go out with.......but he's still AS FUCK! His abs are just, OUF! And his chubby little cheeks I just want to fricken squeeze them til he pops." Jooheon talked to himself.

Changkyun cleared his throat and Jooheon looked at him. "Oh it's you"

Changkyun giggled and opened the door. Jooheon shoved him and walked in. Then got an angry look from Shownu who had been waiting to surprise Changkyun.

Jooheon regretted shoving Changkyun cause he got tackled by a very angry Shownu.

"STAP STAP!!" Changkyun pulled Shownu of his boyfriend.
"Shownu, Jooheon is my friend now" Changkyun assured Shownu.
"friend!? Friend!? fRiend!? frIend!? friEnd!? frieNd!? freinD!? FRIEND!!?" Jooheon mocked.
"What the fuck is going on here??" Shownu asked.

Changkyun groaned and rubbed his temples. "I'm going to bed, you guys can talk" Changkyun rushed upstairs and Jooheon watched trying not to drool (aT dAt aSs lmao I'm sorry I'll stop)

"So......" Jooheon said.

☁︎My Dark Place☁︎ Jookyun ff Where stories live. Discover now