Chapter E I G H T

Start from the beginning

"it's fine" Jennie said and smiled weakly.

"where are you going ?" Chanwoo asked with a slim smile

"i'm going up on the rooftop, checking out the view" Jennie replied when the lift door opened.

"we're actually going up there too" Hanbin said

The elevator door opened and Jennie entered the elevator. Yunhyeong was so close to her.

"i want to tell you something" Yunhyeong whispered weirdly.

the party was well decorated, it cheered Jennie up a bit. The foods smelled great. The seats looked comfortable and there are some beanbags. There were blasting musics. Jennie smiled as she saw the party decorations

"Ya~ this is so cool" Hanbin jumped on the couch.

"yea, it really is" Jennie said and chuckled nervously.

"so Jennie, it's been 3 months without us" Chanwoo said and sat next to Hanbin "do you miss us ? are you doing well ?"

"to be completely honest, i do miss you guys" Jennie let her feelings out. "it felt weird without you guys in the practice room. I had to take full responsible for my team, unlike the first assessment, Hanbin helped me"

"We miss you guys too" Hanbin said and smiled "Yunhyeong would always bring up memories from the 1st assessment. it's Quite funny"

"he must have miss you guys a lot" Chanwoo chuckled.

Jennie looked at Yunhyeong who was staring at the city from above. He seems weird and nervous.

"I'll go talk to Yunhyeong for a bit" Jennie said and smiled sweetly. "he's acting weird"

"alright, we'll talk to you later then" Hanbin said.

Jennie bowed and walked to the glass fence on the side, where yunhyeong stared at the busy town, thinking about something.

"you wanted to talk ?" Jennie said as she walked to Yunhyeong and stood next to him, leaning her hands on the glass fence. "is there something bothering you ?"

Yunhyeong looked at Jennie and smiled nervously. Before turning his attention back to the busy city. Jennie looked at the busy city and sighed. She loved the view.

"wow, i didn't know the view would be this beautiful" Jennie said and smiled.

Yunhyeong looked at Jennie who was shining so bright because of the lights from the city. Yunhyeong slowly grabbed her hand,feeling nervous. Jennie looked at her hands in Yunhyeong's.

"i'd like to confess something" Yunhyeong finally said and let go of her hand. "let's not feel awkward after this, alright"

Jennie looked at Yunhyeong and he avoided eye contact. She nodded her head with a caring look.

"look, i like you" Yunhyeong looked into Jennie's eyes. Jennie was about to respond. "Don't say anything"

Jennie closed her mouth back.

" i really like you. Since the first assessment. I tried to show my love to you, but you maybe don't notice it " Yunhyeong looked down and snickered. "We both know, Mr.Yang doesn't allow us, artists, dating or even have interest. I really want to tell you this, i don't want to see you hurt. it kills me. I hope you understand want i'm trying to say"

"Yunhyeong~ oppa.." Jennie paused and smiled nervously. "i understand you. But, like you said Mr.Yang wouldn't allow his artists dating. if he let his artists date, then i'd probably have the guts to date you and show you how much i love you. But i can't. We both can't"

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