Chapter 22 - Friday is Forever

Start from the beginning

“Man,” Justin straightened. The chuffed, untouchable expression was gone. “That was you?”

Louis flinched, Harry immediately stood up and rounded his shoulders ready for Justin to launch at Louis. Harry was itching to hit someone, he had been since he left rehab and Justin was a beautiful, famous and a little stupid but a target nonetheless. 

“I–“ Louis blinked rapidly. “I know we have beef, I’m sorry man.”

Justin smiled, shaking his head. “Selena was a dog anyway,” he groaned. “I knew it was you, little faggot Louis, always crying on the television.”

Louis clenched his teeth and Harry stepped closer, his hand on the small of Louis back to let him know he was there. 

“We cool?” Louis asked, Harry could hear the tension in his voice as he tried to pretend he wasn’t offended by Justin’s not so subtle dig.

Justin smiled, “Yeah.” 

Harry saw the nod he gave his boys, saw the glimmer in his eye. 

“We’re cool,” Justin said, voice cool and collected but his fist was clenched. 

He raised his hand, one of his guards shoved Zayn backwards and he fell onto a glass table. It shattered with a crash and some of the women stopped dancing. Quinn shrieked and dropped her tray of drinks. She bent down to help Zayn but he glared at her and shoved her off. 

Harry grabbed Louis arms and yanked him backwards, he caught Justin’s fist mid-air and his sudden super speed caught him off guard. Harry gasped at his superfluous catch and then flinch his other clenched fist as hard as he could at Justin. 










Harry was down, his head slammed onto the ground and Louis was pulling Justin into a headlock. The music stopped and the guards instead of stopping the fight joined in, Harry held up his hands to try and protect his face. 

Logan was in his ear, ‘Go for the balls,’ he smiled to himself and to Logan before he raised his knee and it connected, hard into Justin’s crotch.

Justin lay next to him, he turned to Harry as they lay on the glass covered, sticky ground and laughed. Justin’s teeth were stained red from blood and as Harry blinked back the tears of pain in his blurry eyes Justin offered a hand. 

“We’re cool, Styles.”

Harry laughed at the lunacy of the late night brawl and his fist connected with Justin’s. Then Louis was shouting at Zayn and they both hauled Harry up. Harry groaned, body aching and head spinning. 

Zayn carried Harry over his shoulder, Harry was seeing the world in beautiful shades of purple and blue. Louis’ voice was muffled, “Harry can you hear me?”

Harry laughed, blood dripping like an open tap from his nose, “Love-you-babe,” he slurred. 

Louis patted his face, “You’re a mess.”

“I protected you,” Harry grunted.

“You’re my hero Harry Styles,” Louis brushed his lips against Harry’s temples. 

Harry threw up, down Zayn’s back.

Richard opened the door as Porter fought off some photographers, Porter lost his temper and smashed the camera onto the ground. Liam still asleep on the backseat of the limo and completely oblivious to the rest of the world. 

“Home?” Louis asked as Richard hauled Harry into the limousine and handed Louis some tissues and a bottle of water. 

“Lollypops?” Harry suggested. 

Louis laughed with a shake of his head, “Now?”

“It’s where we went on our third date,” Harry slurred, head slumped onto the squelching leather of the car. “You remember, I kissed you in the ball pit.”

Louis smiled, “I remember,” he was focusing on cleaning the blood off Harry’s face and picking the pieces of glass from his hair. 

“Please,” Harry begged, “We promised we’d go there.”

“It’s closed,” Louis sighed. 

Zayn chuckled, “Nothing’s closed when you’re One Direction.” He handed Louis the credit card and winked. “Go on,” he blew them a kiss. 

“Where are you going?” Porter yawned. 

Zayn shrugged, “Strippers give the best head!”

“You’re an idiot!” Porter called out the roof.

“I’ll regret it tomorrow,” Zayn called, waving them off as he disappeared with a cigarette in his mouth into the bustling club.

“Lou?” Harry slurred. 

“Yes babe,” Louis smiled as he climbed onto Harry’s lap. “One more kiss at Lollypops,” He wrapped his arms around Harry’s neck and closed his eyes. “Richard?”

“Yes,” He sighed, “I’ll take you and I’ll even sneak you in,” He held up a hand. “If you get in trouble–“

“We’re on our own?” Louis sighed. 

Porter laughed, “Gee,” he rolled his eyes. “What the fuck am I?”

“Huh?” Harry slurred, kissing Louis’ jaw.

“Am I just here for my good looks?”

“Obviously,” Louis smiled. 

“You know, you get in trouble it’s me they’ll call,” Porter rested his head on the seat and put a hand on Liam’s blue hair.

“Well,” Harry burped, “You have such lovely phone manner!”

They all laughed as Richard started the limousine and roared away from the boardwalk. Porter smiled at his friends, “I love you boys!”

“You too, mate!” Louis winked. 

Harry abruptly stood up, sticking his head out of the limousine and the night air slapped his face awake. He held out his arms as Louis tried to pull him in and with the biggest smile he had ever worn shouted, “I’m getting married!”

Louis groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. "We're going to regret this tomorrow."

"Tomorrow is another subject entirely," Porter sighed. He pulled out his phone and called Sasha.

Louis chuckled, "What a night!"

He stood up and took Harry's hand, the wind was so cold and refreshing, he screamed at the top of his lungs, "I love Harry Styles!" And he meant every word.

They drove off into the night and Harry’s excited cheers echoed behind them. In three days he was marrying the love of his life with his best friends, his family. Harry had never been happier, his mind was a blur but his heart was on fire. 


For more in the Modest Series and to follow the boys as they travel to Vanuatu, begin or continue reading Modest Absolution Book 5 for daily/bi-weekly updates. Thank you for all your love, tears, laughter and support. These characters have come to life because of you, you have given me a purpose and made me so infinitely happy. I love your comments, I love your friendship and I am so glad to have you all here. Now buckle up. Modest Absolution will break you, if you don’t believe me watch the trailer. You’ll see. 

LOVE YOU, always and forever. 

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