Chapter 22 - Friday is Forever

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Friday is forever

Louis leant against Harry, Harry could feel the tension rolling off Louis like electric vibrations. So, he slipped his hand into Louis and gave it a small, secret squeeze as Zayn forced a smile and hugged Justin. Harry plastered on his own smile, through the veil of his alcoholic eyes and forced a laugh at whatever inane joke Justin was spitting out. 

His security gathered around him like a swarm of bees, big, black bumble bee’s with dark shades to hide their bloodshot eyes and bruise knuckles. They lingered just behind Justin as he slung his arm around the nearest stripper and began grinding up against her. Harry could see the girls unease at the touch of his hands, the stench of liquor and marijuana that oozed off his skin. Four a.m was the witching hour where the weak and drunk would disappear but the hard partiers would come out to play. 

“Get rid of him,” Louis hissed between clenched teeth. 

“You want to go?” Harry whispered, he feigned kissing Louis’ temple.

Louis squeezed Harry’s hand tighter, “Let him think he’s the boss?” He shook his head with a stiff laugh, “No way.”

“You’re call,” Harry suggested.

Justin was talking to Zayn, “Man,” he began with a big smirk. “You should have seen the stage there were so many pairs of panties I was like…” He pulls a face and turns to his nearest guard. “We hang them in our tour bus, it’s like panties paradise.” He held up a hand and his friends began laughing and giving each other high fives. 

Harry winced, forced the disgust from his face as he sat forward, “So, how have you been?”

Justin smiled, turning on Harry with a slur of his words and a crooked smile. “Oh you know, Styles. Fucking ladies, taking names and smoking some killer dope–“ He paused, pulling a face and then his smile turned to awkward pity. “Oh shit,” he bit his bottom lip. “You just got out of rehab?” He turned to Master, his partner in crime. The guy smiled revealing gleaming gold grillz and a backwards, red snapback. “Yo, M, Styles was in rehab cause he couldn’t hold his shit.”

Master laughed, raising a hand to his mouth. “Shit, that’s tight!”

“You know, I heard it was cause this lil homo broke your heart,” Justin teased pointing to Louis.

Louis stiffened but Harry held him tightly, “Don’t.” 

Harry knew Justin loved pushing Louis’ buttons, he knew how easy it was to set Louis on fire especially in front of the cameras. If Harry and Louis were in private Justin would stir them up. If they were on live television, receiving awards or walking the red carpet then Justin would throw women in Harry’s face. Harry would take them, unless he was ‘with Dakota’ to avoid media scrutiny. Justin was a viper, he preyed on anyone and everyone. 

“I’m clean now,” Harry said.

Zayn shrugged as he tried to change the subject.

Justin stroked his chin, “So,” he gestured to the two of them. “You two still, like…” he laughed. “Still into the cock?”

“Justin,” Zayn groaned. “Seriously, man?”

Master laughed, “He chill, he’s just playing.”

“Yeah,” Justin smiled, “Just playing.”

“Just fuck off,” Louis snapped standing up. Four men were on him in seconds but he stood, fists clenched as he looked at Justin. “Look,” Louis sighed, ruffling his hair with his hand. “I know,” he eyed them all. “I know Selena left you cause of Ava, I know Ava got in Selena’s ear after I told her some shit you’d been doing behind Selena’s back.”

Messy Nights and Modest Fights - Larry Stylinson Short StoryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu