Chapter 14 - I want to complicate you

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Sorry guys, I had an assignment to finish. I am getting the updates for Messy Nights out of the way so we can then focus on Modest Absolution. Love you so much. Also I seriously think 'Tear it down' - The Ashton Shuffle is Dakota's theme song, listen to the lyrics. Love you all!

I want to complicate you

“Porter,” she began, she sounded out of breath. 

“Dakota?” He said again, he could feel Niall’s eyes on him and feel the heat of his glare, like molten lava on his skin. So, uncomfortable under Niall’s watchful gaze he turned away, closing his own eyes and making the difficult decision that he would tell her the truth in person. If he told her he was cheating over the phone, he was taking the easy way out. I wish I could run. Yes, it would be easier on him but she deserved better. I hate what I have done

Yes he hated that he had cheated, deceived a girl he promised he wouldn’t hurt but he was also relieved that he and Dakota wouldn’t be playing pretend anymore. Since Logan died something shifted, an emotional barrier had been constructed around her and Porter wasn’t sure he could pinpoint the exact moment things changed. But he knew they had. 

Knew that Dakota’s smile was cracked and her eyes glanced at others, she found excuses to be alone. He was hiding his own demons, mainly Sasha but Porter still wondered what are you hiding Dakota Fox?

“Where are you?” She stifled a whimper as she continued, running. He knew she was moving fast because of her heavy breathing and the whoosh of wind as it blew into the receiver. “I…” she stammered, “Fuck!”

Sirens howled through the phone and his regret at cheating on her dissipated as he listened to her curse and mutter. The sound of sirens grew closer, he said her name again and again but she didn’t reply. She just continued running. 

“Is that sirens?” Porter asked, though he knew the answer. He was swaying on his feet. 

She forced a laugh, “We are in LA, honey. Of course it’s sirens.”

Porter frowned, he knew Dakota was a skilled liar but he behind the veil of confidence he heard her voice falter. “Dakota?”

“Where are you?” She asked again, the familiar click of a lighter sounded through the receiver and he knew she was smoking. She exhaled, loudly. “Can I see you?”

He opened his mouth to reply, “I–“

Sirens again, the screech of tires and the sound of a gun but Dakota just continued smoking and for a moment he felt the anxiety dissipate. As if perhaps he was imagining it all, Dakota wouldn’t be involved in anything. He shook his head, murmuring ‘You’re an idiot.’ You’re the fuckup, she’s perfect… isn’t she?

Niall shot him a glare, Porter waved a hand and his words strung together as he struggled to keep his mind on task. Too much vodka, not enough water. “Not-you-I-meant…” He frowned, “I-meant-I’m-an…” Porter scowled, “Forget it.”

Zayn laughed, his shoulders slightly shaking as he leant against the dark wall of the Golden Tiger and talked to Niall about his ‘game plan.’ Niall was laughing, bragging that he would bag more women and completely disregarding his ‘complicated’ on and off again relationship with Quinn. Yet Porter could see Niall watching him from the corner of his bloodshot eyes, ears pricked to make sure Porter was staying in line with Dakota. 

“Hello?” Dakota asked, bored. “I need to see you.”

“Yeah,” Porter returned to the call and threw the cigarette butt onto the gutter. He kicked the embers with his shoe as he chewed on his lip. “I need to talk to you too.”

Messy Nights and Modest Fights - Larry Stylinson Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now