Chapter 17 - 'Cause you never really took it serious

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'Cause you never really took it serious

Harry was standing at a hot dog stand, arm slung around Louis as he whispered filthy things in his ear. Louis was laughing and slurring as he ordered two hotdogs and continued sniggering, Harry was kissing his neck and biting his ear. It was three in the morning, or maybe it was four, Harry wasn’t sure but he knew it was late. 

They abandoned the group the moment Louis caught wind of Dakota stalking through the strip club, Harry wasn’t sure why Louis was so desperate to leave but he went with it. Harry was half a bottle of vodka deep in conversation with Zayn when Louis grabbed his hand and yanked him from the couch. Louis kissed him in the stairwell, it was a feverish kiss that left Harry heady and his knees week. 

Louis handed Harry a hot dog and they began, hand in hand towards the park. The crowd was scattered but there was a veil of cigarette smoke and the stench of alcohol mixed with sex in the warm night air. Louis squeezed Harry’s hand tighter, glad that in the midst of the street no one noticed the two millionaire singers engaged in male on male hand holding. 

“You know,” Harry began as he munched on the hot dog and sauce dripped down his face. 

Louis smirked, standing on his tip-toes and licking the sauce from Harry’s chin, “What?” Louis asked. 

“Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like if Jennifer weren’t pregnant.”

Louis nodded, deep in thought as he ate his own hotdog. “I bet she wonders the same thing.”

“Do you think, if things were different they would have kept it?”

Louis frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Oh,” Harry blushed. “That was an asshole thing to say.”

Louis smiled, he leant closer and his lips pressed to Harry’s ear. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“You know what I mean, though…” Harry raised an eyebrow, “Don’t you?”

Louis smiled, he pat Harry’s shoulder. “Of course.”

“It’s going to be hard on Liam,” Harry said, deep in thought. “You know, music, fame, touring and secret baby.”

“Shit,” Louis frowned. “I never thought of it like that.”


They both pondered a moment as they walked in silence and then Harry pointed to the bright lights of a nightclub a bit further up the pavement. A car drove and slowed next to them, Louis rolled his eyes as Richard lowered the window and yawned. 


“Richard?” Harry laughed, “How did you find us?”

“Easy,” Richard smirked, “Looked for drunk, gay boy banders.”

Louis raised his arms and shouted, “You found us!”

“Well get in,” Richard asked. “I can’t risk you getting mobbed, mugged or attacked by the paparazzi.”

“I like getting attacked,” Harry joked, “It’s kinky.”

Richard yawned again and shook his head, “Get in, Styles.”

“But what about the kinky?” Harry pouted.

“I’ll give you kinky in a minute,” Richard chuckled.

Harry made a growl and poked out his tongue.

Louis laughed loudly as he stumbled and jumped into the limousine yanking Harry in after him. Liam was passed out on the seat and one of his glitter covered shoes stuck out the window. He snored loudly and Harry sat on the floor, draping one of Liam’s heavy, limp arms over his shoulder. 

Louis was laughing, tears in his eyes as he snapped photos the blue haired Liam in many compromising positions with Harry. Then Harry kissed Liam on the forehead and whispered, “Love you Daddy Liam.”

Liam groaned, “Jennifer.” Drool trickled out of his mouth and onto the leather of the seat. 

Richard lowered the separator and chuckled, it was a deep raspy sound as if coming from the pit of his stomach. He eyed the boys and gestured at Liam, “Can’t hold his booze.”

Louis laughed, “He’s always out first.”

“Where to?” Richard asked and then he glanced back at Louis, “Don’t let me catch you fucking back there again.”

Harry laughed, loudly and almost spat a mouthful of water all over Louis, opposite him. “You heard that?”

“Unfortunately,” Richard laughed. 

“Sorry Rich,” Harry smiled, “The heart wants what the–“

“Fiancé wants?” Richard finished. 

“Exactly!” Harry smiled. 

“You want a tour of the stars houses? While we wait for the other boys?” Richard asked.

Louis smiled, “Yeah!”

“Wait!” Harry pointed across the road at a cop car, lights flashing and doors wide opened. “Uh,” he glanced at Louis who understood what he was saying. “Smoke?”

Louis nodded, “Good idea.” 

Richard yawned, “come back when you’re ready, Liam and I will be sitting tight.”

“Yes sir!” They both chimed as they casually climbed out of the limo and crossed the road. 

“I dare you!” Harry hissed as they inched closer. 

“No,” Louis smirked, “I dare you!”

Harry laughed, cigarette hanging out his mouth as he jumped in the front seat and yelled. “You coming Husband?”

“Hell yeah!” Louis shouted. 

Niall was standing on the sidewalk, looking up and down the street between the crowd when he spotted the sirens flashing. He peer closer and as it sped past Louis shouted at him, his bare bum hanging out the window. 

Niall’s jaw dropped.

Harry and Louis sped off along Hollywood Boulevard with the sirens wailing and their laughter ringing through the night air. Harry gripped the wheel tightly, Louis inched closer and kissed Harry, “I love you.”

“Criminal and all?”

“Even more,” Louis smiled as they made a hard right turn into a strip of shops. Louis stuck his head out the window and screamed, “I love Harry Styles!”

A few girls cheered back, “Me too!” 

They laughed as they drove, hand in hand towards the horizon. 

Messy Nights and Modest Fights - Larry Stylinson Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now