Chapter 8 - I got what you want

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- This chapter is for Nessie who hasn't been very well. I hope you laugh at the boys as much as I did when I wrote this. Love you missy!

‘Kiss With A Fist’ - Florence + The Machine

‘Do What U Want (Feat. R Kelly)’ - Lady GaGa

I got what you want

Louis’s jaw dropped as Niall effortlessly hit Porter so hard that he fell backwards, his body was limp for a few moments and then he opened his eyes. He blinked several times and Louis just stood with cigarette in one hand and a beer in the other, mouth open. Niall walked back to his seat and turned to Zayn, completely ignoring Porter and not saying another word.

Porter blinked up at Louis, Louis gazed down at him a little unsure what had just happened or what to do now. He opened his mouth to speak but Porter groaned as he touched his bloody nose, Louis handed him a serviette. 

“I deserved that,” Porter grumbled. 

Louis looked at Niall who was half talking to Zayn, half listening to what Porter said. “How long?” Niall asked casually.

“Since,” Porter grunted as Louis helped him to his feet. He swayed and then took a shot from the table. He lit a cigarette and the three boys watched him, hanging on his every word. Porter shuddered as he inhaled deeply on the cigarette, “A month back.”

“You’re an asshole,” Niall snarled. 

Porter’s face went red, “Yeah, I know.”

“Then you try to take your shit out on me,” Niall shook his head. “What’s wrong with you, man?”

Louis nodded and sucked on his own cigarette, “That’s fucked up, Porter. You have to face your problems,” He waved his hands, “You know, head on.”

Porter smiled at Louis as he slurred his words, “I suppose you’re right.”

“Don’t suppose,” Louis replied, “Know it.”

Porter shifted his weight between both feet as he bobbed his head to the music, “It’d be easier if I knew she was cheating on me too,” he said. His gaze lifted from the cigarette in his hand and through the haze of smoke to Niall. 

Niall narrowed his eyes, Louis watched him. For a moment, he too wondered if Niall and Dakota had done the deed beneath her silk sheets. He frowned trying to remember seeing them together, but he couldn’t. In fact, before Harry left they were good friends and then Logan died. 

Louis leant against the wall as he watched Niall and Porter have a silent staring contest. Niall Horan, what are you up to? Louis looked at him, he drank from the beer in his hand. Logan died, he pieced his memories together like a puzzle. She went with him to the M.E’s office and then… nothing.

“He’s not fucking her,” Louis spoked up.

Zayn looked up at Louis, “You know this, how?”

“I just do,” Louis smiled. “I never left your house, well, not much while Harry was…” He scrunched his face up uncomfortably. “Away.”

Zayn nodded, “True.”

“I would have seen them, even when Porter was out for work she and Niall were never anywhere near each other.” Louis started to laugh, “Porter you have a weird way of thinking she’s cheating.”

Porter frowned, “What do you mean?”

“I mean,” Louis slurred, “they hate each other, why the fuck would he sleep with her?” He gestured to Niall, “No offence, but Niall and Dakota have never,” Louis continued to dramatically wave his hands, “never, ever seen eye to eye.”

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