Chapter 5 - Work B**ch

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Work B**ch

The cameras flashed as the boys piled out of the limousine, Harry had his arm around Niall and Louis paraded in front taking bows for the cameras and wolf whistling at some women, for show of course. Porter walked with Zayn and they were talking animatedly about Zayn’s ‘interlude’ with the blonde hostess. 

Pricilla's Domain was one of the hottest Drag shows in LA and they walked into a bustling crowd of screams and cheers, Drag Queens mingled in sequinned dresses that caught the changing lights of the dance floor like diamonds. Their hair was almost as outgoing as their perfectly applied, outgoing makeup. The big lips, huge lashes and hot pink blushed cheeks. 

Harry walked through the hot pink curtains and the nightclub came to life. Bodies pressed together as the queued at the neon green bar, bartenders in gold hot pants with glittering, oily bodies that quickly reminded him of the strippers from earlier. 

He could still smell the cologne on his skin, feel their hard, huge hands grabbing and rubbing every inch of his body. He was turned on, he was drunk and he was electrified by excitement and hormones, oh, and alcohol. Every touch was static to his skin, electricity zipped through his fingertips as he began jumping amidst the crowds and throwing his head back to the beat. 

Britney Spears was blasting through the huge speakers that shook from the bass, he couldn’t even hear his own thoughts as he voice drowned everything else out. 

Sapphire, a very tall, very beautiful Drag Queen walked over to them with a sway in her hips and a glint in her eye. “Gentleman,” she winked at Niall who went bright red. “I’m Sapphire and I will be your hostess tonight,” she giggled and ran her large hand through Niall’s hair. Niall swayed on his feet and swallowed, he turned to Zayn and shouted, “She’s a very big girl.”

“And she’s all your’s,” Sapphire replied with a deep laugh. Her bright pink lips pulled back to reveal ice white teeth as she laughed. When Niall just stood, jaw dropped she laughed, “Kidding honey I like big muscly men,” she ran a hand up his shirt, “Not little Blondie's, no offence.”

Niall laughed, relief swimming over him, “Oh,” he chuckled, “I’ll get over it.”

“No, you won’t,” Zayn nudged him. 

“Okay where are my gorgeous Grooms?” She waved her hand at the five boys and their staggering manager. 

“Here,” Harry pointed to himself and Louis who had his back to them as he danced, singing his lungs out to Britney Spears. 

Sapphire clicked her tongue and ran a hand down her skin tight, sequinned blue dress. “Well, come with me boys, don’t be shy.”

“You better work!” Louis sang as he slapped Harry’s ass and then stumbled on the glass, staircase. “Woah, I better work my legs,” he chuckled and Harry just shoved him up the stairs with a guttural laugh. 

 “Cigarette time!” Porter announced and Liam cheered. 

“Upstairs handsome,” Sapphire called over her shoulder, her blonde wig flicked over her shoulder and the perfectly sculpted curls cascaded down her bare back. 

Porter’s eyes widened, “Fuck,” he shouted to Liam. “She has a better back than some of the girls I’ve fucked.”

Liam snorted and nodded, “I know, Jesus you got to be careful these days.”

“One Direction!” The Dj announced and the crowd momentarily stopped dancing. 

Louis winced, “Oh God.”

“Now, everybody in the house tonight knows how important it is to shut their gorgeous mouths. Give the Boy Bander’s a big cheer but don’t let the world know their here?”

The crowd burst into cheers singing, ‘Kiss You!’ A remix began and the lights flickered back, the bass dropped and everyone went wild, blowing exaggerated kisses to the boys as they blushed and staggered up the stairs. 

Niall was behind Harry on the stairs and grabbed his shoulders, he slurred as he shouted, “We picked Pricilla’s because,” he laughed, “We shouldn’t have an issue with fans here!”

“Good call,” Harry replied as he basically carried Louis up the stairs. 

“Let me kiss you,” Louis slurred. 

“Yeah,” Harry smiled turning Louis’ face back towards the stairs, “In a minute Mr. Jello Shots!”

“I had like, three!” Louis called holding up ten fingers. 

“Four indeed,” Harry laughed. 

At the top of the stairs was a beautiful room, the large windows were folded back to open the space up. It was a smoking balcony with lush chairs, a private bar and dance floor. The chairs were circular, they looked soft and there was a long leather couch that snaked from the inside of the second floor to the balcony, along the back wall. 

Harry helped Louis over and dropped him onto the couch, he turned to Sapphire. “We won’t worry about Photographers here?”

“Honey,” Sapphire laughed and ran her hand through his curls. “You’d be surprised the amount of well known Celebrities that enjoy a little drag on a Friday Night!”

“Really?” Harry laughed as he leant against the balcony. 

“Really,” Sapphire winked. “No one can see you up here,” she leant closer, “Your dirty secret is safe with us.” 

Harry blushed, “Thanks.”

“I always believed the rumours,” she gestured to Louis, “You know.”

“Oh I know,” Harry nodded. 

“Bottle of Grey Goose on the house,” she hollered to the bartenders and they whipped out the sparklers. Then she turned to Harry, “Over there,” she pointed to a black section near the bar, “UV drums and paint, it was Jennifer’s present to you.”

Harry gushed, “They’ve done too much!”

Sapphire smiled and pursed her lips, “Boy you have been through hell and back,” She waved a hand at Louis, “Him too, enjoy yourselves baby. You only get married once,” she paused and laughed, “Or Four times in my case.”

“Four?” Harry asked. 

“Four, hell yeah but the sex was great so enjoy it!” Then Sapphire blew him a kiss and sauntered down the stairs. “I’ll be down here if you need me baby, just tell the bar girls.”

“Thanks Sapphire,” Harry called. 

She smiled, “You’re welcome baby.”

Harry turned to Louis who was dancing with Niall and walked to the bar, “Can I get some water?”

“Sure,” The brunette guy smiled, “Anything else?”

Harry paused, “Give them whatever they want.” He went to walk away and then added, “Unless they look like they’re about to pass out.”

“Got it,” The brunette saluted, his big brown eyes glinting as he smiled.  


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