Chapter 58

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It's almost time to pick up Aph...

Irene, I'm so nervous.

It's not every day you get to propose to the woman you love.

I hope she says yes.

Crap, time to go.

I ran out to my car and quickly backed it up.

Time to go get the woman I love.



I began pacing back and forth in my room.

I'm so nervous...

*Ding Dong*

I gasped and turned to a smiling Cadenza.

"Don't keep him waiting~" She exclaimed who

I blushed at this.

No time to be flustered Aphmau!

I turned to my door and began to walk downstairs.

I let out a huge breath and then opened the door to see a nervous Zane.

He blushed when he first saw me.

"Y-You look beautiful," He stated with a nervous smile.

I giggled.

"Thanks," I thanked cheerfully.

"Shall we?" He asked while offering me his hand.

I giggled while intertwining my fingers with his.

"We shall,"




Look at those lovebirds.

"Cadenza..? What are you doing here?" A familiar voice asked.

I turned to see a familiar blue haired girl.

"Oh, hey Katelyn! Please don't interrupt me right now. I'm watching my ship happen right in front of my very eyes!" I exclaimed.

She sighed. "Which ship is it this time? And why are you watching from Aph's window?" She questioned while walking closer to me.

"ZANEMAU!" I yelled.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"I will never understand all of this shipping cra- WAIT DID YOU SAY ZANEMAU?!" She practically screamed, hope evident in her face.

I felt a smirk appear on my face.

"And why would you want to know? Someone's excited~" I teased.

She blushed in embarrassment.

"I-It's not like I ship it or anything! I ... uh, can't stand that stuff! Yeah, that's it!" She stuttered while walking back to the door.

I rolled my eyes at this.

"Come on Katelyn. I know you're a fangirl. Whether you want to admit it or not." I stated.

It's true!

She needs to finally admit it.

"You have no proof of this!" She practically yelled, trying so hard to defend herself.

"Mhm. Let's go look in your closet then." I laughed.

She just stood there- a blushing mess.

"W-What?" She asked while walking towards me.

"I know all about your One Direction poster, your Attack on Titan merch collection, your Fai-" she cut me off.

"That's enough! I ... I get your point. Fine. I am obsessed with anime. I'm a fangirl. J-Just please don't tell anyone!" She begged. 

I smiled at this.

"I won't."

An idea popped into my mind.

If she's a fangirl, she might ship Zanemau!

We can be fangirls together!!!

"Wanna go spy on their little date?" I asked in a mischevious tone.

She grinned. "I'll go start up my car."

Now I'm excited!

AYEEEEEE! Wassup. I'm back again with one of the final chapters in this book. Yeah, I'm definitely finishing it today.

That's all for now.


Word count: 460 <3

Falling In Love With My Best Friend // Zanemau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now