Chapter 24

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Garroth wasn't there.


It was obviously a prank, he had just texted me anyways.

I brought my key up to the door, but soon realized it was already unlocked.

(Sound familiar..? No... Look back at chapter 1 den :P)

Something doesn't add up.

I made sure that Aphmau locked the door so that nothing would happen to her.

I slowly opened the door, and nearly burst into tears at the sight I saw.

My Aphmau was making out with Him!?

I walked up to them, fighting to hold back tears.

Aaron finally stopped kissing her, and then turned to face me.

He looked shocked at first, but he soon smirked at me.

"Awwwe! And it was getting good to!" Aaron teased as he brought his lips up to Aph's again.

Without thinking, I grabbed him off of her and slammed him onto the ground.

(Not like that you dirty minded children!)

Before he could get up, I punched his right in the face, and he fell on the ground again.

I then took the back of my hand, and slammed it into the back of his head- where his head and neck connect.

This immediately knocked him out.

I turned back to Aphmau with sadness all over my face.

She ran up to me and embraced me into a hug.

"Z-Zane! Thank you so much! I-" I cut her off.

"...W-Why would you do that to me..?" I asked as I pushed her off of me.

The woman that I love just betrayed me.

I guess I was just a comfort for her when Aaron cheated on her.

Well, none of that matters anymore considering what I've just witnessed.

I thought she loved me back, but who was I kidding?

She just wanted to play with my heart.

Her eyes went wide. "Z-Zane? What in Irene's name are you talking about!?"

"You know exactly what you did!" I snapped.

"No I don't! Wait, You really think that I have feeling for him!?" She asked while pointing at Aaron.

"Look at the facts Aphmau! Stop playing these games! Don't lie to me anymore!" A few tears fell from my eyes.

Do I really want to hurt the woman I love?

Zane, it's clear that if you stay with her you're just going to get betrayed over and over again.

"Zane! Listen to yourself! He came in here and forced me to-" I cut her off again.

"Can you explain how he got in here then!? That's what I thought. I know for a fact that this door was locked when I left! I bet you wanted me out of the house so you could make out with your real boyfriend!" I shouted.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

"What are you implying!? You're the only one I love!" She cried.

"Don't play these games with me Aphmau! We're finished!"

The room fell silent.

"...After all we've been through together... you really believe that I would do something this cold to my best friend!?" She asked while running past me.


What have I done!?

Ayeeee! Please don't kill me. It gets better, I swear! If you have any suggestions, comment them down below.

That's all I've got for now.

Jayden ~•~•~•

Word count: 546 ♡

Falling In Love With My Best Friend // Zanemau FanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang