Chapter 47

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(Okay, before this chapter begins I just want to say that I'm lazy so I decided not to explain what is wrong with her. It's basically a bullet infection that opened new wounds and pierced her lungs. So basically if they didn't fix it right then she would have died a painful death of internal bleeding and stuff like that. I did not do a good job at explain that did I. I guess not. Oh well.)


I had no idea she was going though all of that...

"Yeah... Well the surgery was a success, and she's on the right path to making a full recovery. She'll have to stay here for a bit, but other than that she's pretty much fine. My guess is that she'll wake up some time within the next week." She shrugged while walking over to Aphmau.

"Okay. That's good to know. Will I be allowed to stay with her while she's here?" I asked hopefully.

She smiled. "For the most part, yes."

I returned her smile.

Maybe she'll have some good advice on this....

"Hey um.. She can't hear us right now, can she?" I asked as a light blush spread across my face.

"Uh, no. Why?" She asked with a confused look on her face.

"Well I uh, need some advice. You see, I'm planning on proposing to her soon and I-" She cut me off with a high pitched squeal.

"Are you okay..?" I asked hesitantly.

"Yep, yes I am very much okay! Just super exited. I totally suport that ship." She stated while trying to hold back her fangirling.

"Riiight." I exaggerated. "So uh, can you help me?"

"Of course I can!" She practically yelled.

"Okay, great!" I smiled.

It's great to have help with this.

I've never been the romantic kind of guy, so I don't really know how to do this stuff.

I just want it to go perfect.



Was the longest.





Like seriously, does that girl do anything in her spare time besides fantasize about her 'ships'?

Like really!

I don't even get what a boat has to do with anything!

(You have so much to learn.)

I've heard Aphmau and Kawaii Chan use that word before, but I just don't get it.

Do these people who call themselves fangirls even have a life?

(Nope! Not me at least.)

I mean come on!

Who has that much free time?

I looked over at Aphmau for the billionth time.

She looks so peaceful.

It's really calming to see.

I cupped her cheek in my hand.

"I love you..." I whispered as I kissed her forehead.

A slight smile formed on her face as I did this.

This made me smile.

Sleep well Aphmau.

AYEEEE! I'm trying so hard to wrap up this story xD. I plan on completing it tonight. If that doesn't happen, oh well.

That's all for now.


Word count: 524 ♡

Falling In Love With My Best Friend // Zanemau FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now