Chapter 16

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I had grabbed so many different outfits that it's not even funny.

Katelyn grabbed some, but I grabbed enough to fill a queens closet, and that's saying something.

Katelyn and I both got in line for the changing rooms so we could try on the outfits we picked out.

I basically grabbed the entire store.

Some people gave me confused looks, but other gave me impressed looks.

Some girls appretiate the struggle of buyi ng cloths, while others don't.

I'm really glad that katelyn decided to open up to me about her feelings for Jeffery.

To people who don't know Katelyn might not consider that such a big deal, but if you know her then you'll understand that that chick doesn't open up to anyone on almost anything.

She's kinda like Zane in that way.

She's really protective of her emotions, so she walls them off to everyone that's not herself.

I don't judge her for that, I just wish she didn't feel the need to hide them from me.

She should know that I would never do anything to hurt her.

"This line is taking forever..." Katelyn exaggerated as we moved up one place in line.

"With this many clothes, we'll take way longer than this Katelyn." I giggled as she rolled her eyes.

"That's different." She sighed as another woman walked out of the fitting room.

"See. It's your turn already. It's obviously not THAT bad." I called after her as she was lead into a changing room.

Ya know, I was gonna try on but the line went by pretty fast. I think I'm just gonna grab a 5th basket and get some more cloths to try on.

We have all the time in the world anyways.

I can shop now and try on the outfits later.

I walked over to another rack and began searching for my size.



Aphmau started walking back from the fitting room line.


Maybe she didn't think 4 baskets FULL of clothes wasn't enough.


Women confuse me.

This is my chance.

Aphmau is all alone, and Katelyn isn't here to steel her from me.


I slowly walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

I heard her gasp, but I put my hand over her mouth so she wouldn't call for Katelyn.

It might look strange if I was just forcing her to sit down in the middle of the mall, so I think I'll just take us back to my car.

I took the shopping bags from her arms, and set them down.

I then told her to walk with me, but when she refused I just pulled her.

It was a long walk back to my car, but I finally got us there.

And not a moment too soon.

I'm sure by now Katelyn will have noticed that she's gone, so we should probably just go back to my place.

We got in the car, and I started to drive.

"What do you want Aaron!" She shouted at me as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"Babe, I just want you." I said casually.

"Don't you 'babe' me!" She yelled in frustration as she turned her head and looked out the window.

She'll come around.

"Babe, you and I both know that you didn't mean it when you said we were through." I assured as she turned he focus back to me.

"What makes you so sure!?" She argued as she moved the hair out of the face.

"Babe don't lie to me. You know that I didn't mean to hurt you when I cheated on you." I suggested calmly.

"I do, huh." She said sarcastically.


I forgot how sassy Aphmau could be.

You see, this is one of the reasons why I cheated on her. She's too sassy.

Also, she's to good. She refused to do anything remotely bad.

Kawaii Chan was eager, and so was I.

Those are the main reasons that I cheated on her.

"Yes baby, you do." I assured winking at her.

"Stop calling me babe! I'm not your girlfriend anymore!" She yelled.

"Yes you are, hun." I argued as she just looked at me.

"You're delusional." She stated as she looked out her window again.

Girls these days.

Ayeeee! It's Jayden. Hope you enjoyed chapter 16! I can't believe that we're already this far into the book. It's so awesome. That you so so much for reading my crappy writing. It's much appreciated.

That's all for now.

Jayden ~•~•~

Word count: 757 ♡

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