Chapter 63: Irish

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This chapter contains sensitive racial issue so if you are easily offended, I would suggest that you do not read the entire chapter. I don't condone this kind of behavior as well but for the sake of the story, I had to write it.

Anyways, more drama coming in your way...

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"You cannot be serious!" Niall complained as his father continued to dislike his relationship with the Bradford lad. He completely understood where his father were coming from—that he's the youngest so his father was more protective over him. He just wished that his father were more willing to get to know the boy that he fell in love with. Niall was positive that they would get along just fine.

"Niall, I am telling you, that boy is trouble," Bobby spoke firmly.

"Dad, Zayn is a good guy. You don't know him like I do."

Bobby just studied his son's facial expression but no matter what he do, he can't just shake the feeling that his youngest son would suffer tremendously if he let him continue this relationship with Zayn. He just can't simply trust the guy.

Bobby breathed out a heavy sigh. "I'm just looking out for you."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, Liam and Zayn were pressing hard their ears, trying to make out the words coming from the Horans.

"Would you believe that?" Zayn voiced out his astonishment. He knew that Niall's father was against their relationship but not to the extent that Bobby hated his guts. That was very disconcerting, to say the least.

"Actually, I can," Liam stated simply without giving any thought.

"Wh-what?" Zayn distanced himself from the door, his golden amber eyes widening in shock.

"I said I believe that Bobby doesn't see you as the right fit for his son."

"What'd you say?" Zayn felt his blood boiling in rage.

"I think you need to clean your ears or maybe you need to use a hearing aid."

Zayn closed his eyes, inhaling a big amount of oxygen and exhaled the negative energy within him. He thought carefully what Niall has told him earlier, being explosive around Liam. Of course, he can't risk it. He valued Niall so much that he'd rather bit his tongue before Niall kick him out of his house.

Then, Zayn focused his attention on the conversation on the other side of the door.

"Dad, I don't believe in your reasoning. There must be something why you hate Zayn so much."

Bobby gasped. "I don't hate him—"

"Uh-huh," Niall nodded in a sarcastic manner, crossing his arms over his chest, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

"Okay fine," Bobby admitted hesitantly. "He's not Irish."

Niall gasped, his cerulean orbs widening in shock extending to his very core.


"Lower your voice down," Bobby shrieked, instantly looking at the close nearby door where the two visitors were staying.

On the other side of the door, both Liam and Zayn were completely shattered in shock. They pulled away from the door, exchanging astonished look from one another. They weren't exactly expecting those words coming from Niall's father. He seemed a nice father on the outside but they were completely fooled by Bobby's façade.

"You did not just say that." Niall was still coping by his father sudden revelation. He was disappointed and surprised, to say the very least. He knew that man ever since he was a little kid and he had no idea that he was harboring this kind of negativity. Niall was raised in an all-around household even though his parents split up when he was young. His mother always told him the good values of well-mannered citizen. Meanwhile, his father taught him about all the things that a son could learn to his father. But neither did he know that his father had this repulsive idea on his head.

At a young age, Niall knew about his surroundings and environment—and judging them from what they look or their social status didn't bother him that much. Because in his head, the more variety, the better. He always welcomes everyone with a huge, warm hug and that's why people gravitated around him.

"Look, Niall. I'm not saying he's a bad person," Bobby started explaining, not wanting for his son to misunderstand his logic.

Niall shook his head in disappointment.

"It would give me a great pleasure if you get intimate with someone who has the same values as us."

"Same values as us?" Niall snapped irritably. His cerulean orbs were focused on his father with so much hatred in it. "Zayn is a family man—that I can assure you. Just because he has some ink all over his body or the fact that he smokes a lot doesn't mean his values are not good as us. He's a person like us!"

Bobby stood quietly as his son verbally attacked him like a vicious predator. He knew that his son has a point but his constricted ways has put damp on their relationship. For the meantime, he's going to let Niall has his ways and makes mistakes then hopefully he would see the error of his ways.

"I'm seeing Nana tomorrow and I'm bringing Zayn with me. And there's nothing you can do about it."

"That's fine with me," Bobby stated, hoping that Nana would beat some sense to her grandson.

Both Zayn and Liam sit in a dark-lit room quietly and waited until the arguing stopped. Their heads were spinning in circle by the revelation they just heard. They don't know what to do especially now that they realized that Niall's father is only interested in Irish suitors for his son and none of them has Irish blood flowing through their bloodstream—meaning they're out of the game completely. 

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