Chapter 46: Fantasy

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I'm on a roll because this is a new chapter. This chapter is 100% Ziall so I hope Ziall shippers will be jumping for joy.

This is the last chapter that I'm going to write for a while. I need to move on with my other fanfics. I do hope you guys would read my other fanfics too.

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Zayn's POV

Seeing him in pain made me want to imprison him in my arms and let him know that I will always be there for him. I couldn't possibly wrap my mind on how Liam can hurt Niall like this? If I were him, I'd shower Niall with lots of love that he could possibly imagine and it if it's possible, more than that. If he doesn't want Niall, I'd be gladly to take him, no questions ask.

"Niall..." I called out hesitantly. I'm still worried that his anger would resurface and my chance of getting in good terms with Niall was getting slimmer and slimmer until there's nothing left. But when his watery, sparkling blue eyes met my golden, hazel orbs, all the doubts reverberated inside of me vanished in that one instant moment.

I really don't care if he drag me and kick me outside of this hotel room but there's no way I'm leaving him here most especially in his most fragile state. He can hate me; detest me or any worse combination possible but I am not abandoning Niall!

He bit his lip and there was subtle quivering motion of his lips made me want to punch Liam with all my might. Speaking of, where the hell is he?! He should be here comforting Niall!

"Zayn..." The way his voice resonated inside my ear was too heavy on my heart to the point that I can't ignore and I don't want to evade the sadness of his voice. I'm in this for the long haul.

He runs through me and buried his face on my chest. I was startled in a good way and I had no time to react, all I did was open my arms and let him cry on my shoulders, I'd be happy to lent it to him.

"Shh... Nialler, it's going to be okay," I said weakly as I caressed his back in a circular motion. I can't say that I'm happy to see him in this condition but I can't complain either. I know it's awful of me for Niall to get hurt to give me more time to spend time with him but the way he hug me made my heart flutter and I don't want this to end. I just wish there's a way to ease the pain inside of him.

"Don't worry, I'll give Liam a piece of my mind," I chuckled, hoping my humor would ease up his suffering. He quickly pulled away from me and all I could see was confusion radiating on his face.

"Did Liam told you already?"

This time, confusion was transferred to me. What was he talking about? Liam told me what? I haven't seen him since Niall dragged him here.

"I'm not sure if I know what you're talking about."

"Well, Liam and I were kissing..." Hearing that felt like someone strike me with one ton of force in my gut. Rage spread through me but I tried my best to restrain myself. I willed myself not to get too emotional about this so I let Niall tell the rest of the story.

"And it got heated until..." The images that Niall painted in my mind were literally drives me crazy to the point that my heart stop from beating for a split second. I knew that Niall likes Liam but actually hearing coming out of his mouth was too excruciating as if a part of me died.

"Until I call your name while I was kissing Liam."

Say what?! I'm not sure if I heard it correctly. I slowly lifted my head up to meet his blue eyes that always managed to hypnotize me every time I would look at it.

"What did you say?" I asked, hoping he would say it one more time. I just want to confirm that whatever he said seconds ago was real and I was not just hearing things.

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